Ice cream (Sakook)

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a/n: i realized a lot of my stories are about confessing so here's one where they're already dating ❤️
Jungkook POV:

"Come on come on let's goooo~" Sana says while tugging my arm

"Alright alright I'm coming let me put on my shoes"

"But what if the ice cream shop closes?" Sana pouts, getting impatient

It was 1am on a Friday, and Sana had the random urge to eat ice cream while hanging out at my house. I told her it was too late and her stomach would hurt in the morning, but she kept whining until I agreed.

We walked to the car in the driveway and the whole drive Sana chanted "Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Sometimes I feel like I'm dating a little kid, but she's so cute when she gets excited like this so it's okay.

We pull up to the ice cream parlor and as I expected, there was barely anyone there but us. It felt like a cliché scene out of a movie where the main characters do something out of the ordinary at night.
I let Sana order her ice cream first.

"Can I get a cheesecake ice cream with blueberry and strawberry swirl in a large cone please?" Sana asked, unable to control her smile

"And for you?"

"Just a small cookie and cream for me"

Sana watched the man pick up a cone from the stack of others beside him, and use the ice cream scooper to form a perfect circle in utter amazement, as if she's never seen it before. After the man puts three large scoops into the cone, she reaches over and grabs it with both hands.

"Thank you!" she said cheerfully

While the man was making my cone, Sana had already started eating hers.

"Kookie try this!" Sana said, holding the cone to my face

I lick a bit and it's actually not that bad, I can see why she gets it all the time, but I'll stick with my cookies and cream. When I get my cone, we sit at a nearby table to finish.

"It's very fitting that you always get a 'Kookie' and cream" Sana says with a smug face

Sana always tells me terrible jokes in an attempt to be funny

"Ha, ha" I say sarcastically hiding my smile

We eat our ice creams quietly until Sana looks up at me in surprise

"Oh no, Kookie!"

"What happened?" I asked

"You're such a messy eater, you got food on your cheek" Sana said while getting up from across me

"See it's riiiight there" Sana says pecking me on the cheek

I blush and look down smiling, Sana knows random physical affection makes my heart flutter.

"Aww my Kookie is so cute~" Sana coos

"We're in public Sana—" I say, cautious of the guy behind the counter

"Why are you saying it as if people don't know you're cute? The guy behind the counter was probably thinking that too"

"But it's embarrassing..."

"It is the truth and I shall stand by it!" Sana says

I finished my ice cream and notice Sana stopped eating hers

"What's wrong?"

" stomach hurts" Sana says hesitantly

"See, what did I tell you?" I scold her

"I know..."

"Let's go home then"

I hold the door open for Sana. I was upset she didn't listen to me in the first place, but concerned about how she was feeling. On the drive home Sana suddenly perked up at the sight of a public park.

"Kookie look at the swings! I haven't been on those since I was a child!"

"Well that must've been yesterday 'cause you still are one" I joke

"Hey I'm super mature!...but can we stop there pleaaaase" Sana begged

"What happened to your stomach?"

"It's all better now! I promise, let's go"

I pull over and Sana runs straight to the swings, while I walk behind her.

"Kookie come I saved you a seat" Sana says grabbing the empty swing next to her

I sit next to her and swing at a modest pace while Sana basically tries to do a 360 but slows down.

"Hey Kookie"


"What do you like about me?"

"I like when you're quiet" I say, and Sana only opens her mouth in shock

"I'm just kidding, I like when you smile, and when you get all excited about something—oh! i also love how you take me on little adventures, if it wasn't for you i'd still be in my room playing video games right now"

"Aww you don't get annoyed when I take you out like this?" Sana asks

"Of course I get annoyed, but it's worth it to see you happy" I say

Sana rolls her eyes "Oh shut up"

I chuckle and hold out my hand for Sana to hold. Instinctively I squeeze her hand and she squeezes it back, as a way to say "I love you" without actually saying it.

I start singing "My Sana is so cute~"

"Ahhhhh stop singing that it's cringey" Sana cries while covering her face

"It's payback for what happened in the ice cream shop"

"Okay okay I apologize please just sing about anything else"

I get up from my seat on the swing and walk towards while her eyes follow me. I put my hands over hers on the swing and lean in close to her face.

"You are beautiful, Sana" Sana goes silent and struggles to look me in my eye

"Oh, now you want to be quiet?"

"S-shut up, let's go home now" Sana says looking down and getting off the swing.

"As you wish, m'lady~"

tell me what you want to see next! i'm now going to be open to more ships not only bangtwice so request what you want!

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