Stay (Sakook)

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i have three stories that i didn't publish that are kinda done, i wasn't that confident in them but i thought i had to make something.

Jungkook POV:

It was pouring rain late at night when I was walking in the street. My mother had sent me to the store for some food to prepare for dinner. I was going back home until I saw a figure stumbling around in the street. I tried to ignore them, thinking it was some homeless guy until I got closer and realized who it was.

"Sana?" I yelled, wondering why she was outside at this time. I covered her with my umbrella so she wouldn't get wet. Sana was largely popular with the male and female population at school. We're in the same class, but she was too popular for me to even talk to.

"Who're YOU are you going to r-rob me mister?" She stammered and it came to me that she was drunk, and someone left her out here in the rain.

"No, it's Jungkook, your classmate, remember?"

She had large, lustrous eyes upon hearing my name. Probably because she was relieved it wasn't some weirdo trying to kidnap her.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Somewhere...around...there..." She pointed at a random direction and fell forward, but I had caught her just in time. She obviously couldn't remember where she lived, and I couldn't keep her out in the rain. So, I took her home.

"Mom, I'm home."

"Did you get the-" my mom notices Sana's appearance when coming to the front door. "JUNGKOOK, I SENT YOU TO THE STORE FOR FOOD, NOT A GIRL!"

I calm my mother down telling her it's my classmate, and she can't remember where she lived. My mother was strict but she had a heart. She allowed Sana to stay.

"Take her to your room, and you sleep on the couch."

My mother was never too concerned about me and females. She knew I was too shy to talk to one, let alone bring one home, so this must've been an emergency. I aid Sana with getting to my room and gave her a towel to dry off.

"Would you like to eat something?" I asked.

Sana shook her head yes and sat upright on the bed. She was quieter than when I first found her and it was a little concerning.

"Well I'm going to make dinner." I told her.

"Nooooo" Sana whined.

Sana stomps towards me pouting and leans her forehead on my chest and starts talking. It's muffled since she's looking down, but I can still hear.

"You didn't come to the party." Sana whined again.

"I didn't want to go." I reply.

"I missed you."

"Sana, this is Jungkook" I reminded her of who I was, just in case she thought I was her boyfriend or something.

"I know it's you, cutie" Sana says, as she raises her head up to look at me.

Sana must have been really drunk to call me cute. It took me a second to realize that we're staring into each other's eyes, inches away from each other's face. I caught myself before I might've did something I would regret.

"I-I'm gonna go make dinner now."

"Noooo, you can't" Sana pouts again. Her aegyo even shows when she's drunk.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I asked, not sure what Sana wanted with me.

"I want you to stay with me..."

Just hearing those words gave me a shock. Why was she suddenly saying all these things to me? She must be deeply confused. But I decide to stay with her so she doesn't do anything reckless like fall out the window. I also gave her one of my shirts to wear, since my mom was stingy with her pajamas.

My mother called us down for dinner, and while Sana was still drunk, she managed to thank us for the food. She also kept apologizing, saying she didn't want to make a bad impression on my mother and that she's usually not like this.

We finished the food and this was the time my mom would usually lock herself in her room and watch TV. Since my dad worked during nights she got the whole room to herself. I led Sana back upstairs and told her she could sleep on my bed.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Sana mumbles while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sleeping on the couch. Goodnight."

Sana doesn't reply, but instead sits down, deep in thought. I close the door and leave her to it.

                               ~Time Skip~[1:37am]

I was sleeping peacefully on my back until I felt a weight wash over my body until I couldn't breathe. It was as if a dog came and sat on my face. The sudden weight woke me from my sleep and I woke up to Sana, laying on my chest, sleeping. My heart started to beat faster because of how close we were, and I could feel everything. I've never been in this much contact with a girl. My movement must've woken her up, cause she opened her eyes and gave me this sad puppy look.

"I missed you" Sana says again, but with a sadder tone.

I do nothing but blush. Sana sat up, still sitting on my chest.

"I really, really, really, like you Jungkook" Sana says more soberly

The cutest girl in school likes me? It didn't feel real, this had to be a prank or something...right?

"W-what? Well I-uh" I stuttered

Before I could finish, Sana leans down and gazed into my eyes. Her mouth hung open like she wanted to say something, or do something. I stare at her nervously, trying to read her face while also trying not to show that I was nervous. Her lips plunge into mine, taking me by surprise. Sana dominates the kiss, making sure to make the kiss last as long as possible. When she finally pulls back from the kiss, she takes short fast breaths, as do I.

"I've always wanted to do that." Sana smirks

I can't even begin to wrap my head around this. Sana freaking Minatozaki likes me, AND she kissed me? Who would've thought?

"I-I like you too, Sana..." I say, still slightly concerned this was all a joke.

Sana was overjoyed, so overjoyed in fact, that she leaned in for another kiss, and I let her.

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