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[A Very Dusty Wand Shop]


Dumbledor's Office

"You have?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Mhm, I guess you've figured everything out?" He arose from his chair and faced the pair. "We've told her everything." Draco answered for Y/N, Dumbledor nodded. "Draco, you may go to class now." Draco looked at Y/N and she nodded telling him she would be okay. It was just Y/N and Dumbledor now.

"As you didn't come with anything magical I got you what you'll need, except for one thing." He showed Y/N the pile of books he had gotten for her as well as a cat sitting on top. "What is it?" She asked, curious. "A wand." Dumbledor replied with a smile. "Let's go." He put his hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Go wher-" Before she knew it they had apparated to a long street crowded by witches and wizards, lined with shops filled with wonderful, magical things. "Diagon Alley." Dumbledor replied. "What th-." Y/N interrupted herself as she ran over to a nearby trash can and threw up into it. "Don't worry, everyone feels sick after their first time apparating." Y/N wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Oh, thanks." She replied, sarcastically.

"You go to that shop down there, the one called Ollivander's. I have to get some other things." Dumbledor pointed at an old, black shop. Y/N nodded and set her eyes on the shop down the lane.


Ollivander's Wand Shop

She pushed on the door and entered the very quiet shop. It seemed as though no one was in there. Until she spoke. "Hello?" She stood behind the counter. "Oh hello there!" A man with scraggly white hair popped his head out from around a shelf that was topped with small slim boxes. "A student? Seems a bit late to get a wand don't you think?" He walked out from behind the shelf and made his way to the counter. "Yeah, I had some, complications." Y/N scratched the back of her head. "Doesn't matter, you're here now.." He waited for a name. "Y/N Y/L/N." The man tilted his head. "Interesting. Well Y/N, I'm Garrick Ollivander and this is my wonderful, very dusty wand shop." Y/N looked around, he was right, everything in there was blanketed in a thick coat of dust.

"I guess you're here for a wand then!" He scurried back behind a shelf. Y/N could hear him muttering to himself before holding out a black and gold box in front of Y/N, eager for her to take it.

She slid the lid of the box off to reveal a slim dark wand with a beautifully carved handle. Y/N delicately picked up the wand and stared at it. She could hear Ollivander going on about the wand but it sounded as though he was miles away. She was fixated on the wand. Suddenly he came back into range. "Well then, give it a go."

Give it a go?

Y/N froze, she had never used a wand before. Ollivander made a wand-swinging motion showing her what to do. She followed, expecting something wonderful to happen but instead she had shot a fire ball at the side of the shop creating a dark circle on the wall. "Artwork?" She said awkwardly. "Don't worry about it, I have a charm over this building so anything that happens is repaired. See?" He pointed at the mark which was now fading.

Magic is incredible.

The man took the wand from Y/N's hands and ran back behind the shelf. He returned with a different box this one was a deep purple. He opened the box and a light wand sat inside waiting to be used. Y/N took it out and did the same thing she did last time except instead of shooting a fire ball all the boxes in the shop flew out of the shelves. "Oh dear." He sighed.


Several magic attempts and wands later, Ollivander pulled out a box that was a dark green and had silver edging. "I have high hopes for this one." He said holding it out. Y/N picked it up. It was beautiful. The dark wood was carved into a leafy vine that wrapped around the bottom for a grip with loose leaves scattered around the rest. "It's gorgeous." The pair both had a good feeling about the wand. "It's a (your wand description), very rare actually." 

Y/N slowly swang the wand but instead of shooting a fireball or all the wands falling off the shelves she was filled with warmth. With joy.

Y/N left the shop with that wand. This was the first time she had really been happy.



Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, It doesn't have anything too important so I decided I would leave the 'better' stuff for the next one :) have a good day!

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