~July 24th 2018 4:50 AM~
Ok ok ok, I'm on a plane, planes crash, way less than cars but they still crash ! And it's been proven that if impact is strong enough those crappy seat-belts c a n split you in half at the waist ! And if the emergency door is e a s y to open ! If someone just randomly opened that door everyone in that area would get sucked out, and the plane would get torn apart so everyone dies anyway ! It's been said that when the plane crashes you have 1 5 seconds to get off the plane because of how fast it fills up with smoke, and if someone takes even one of those seconds to get their bag that's y o u r life of the line ! And the lights on the floor to help you find the way out, and it's dark so when you look out the windows it helps your eyes adjust. And life jackets are neon colors so they can find your body easier, cause if you land in the water you're most likely gonna die anyway due to the water being so cold. Planes usually crash in the first and last 15 minutes. What if this is how I die ? I only said bye properly to Dakota cause I didn't want to miss my flight but I was first on the plane cause I'm a child anyway so now if I die without properly saying bye that's on me. There' a lot I haven't done, I'm only 12 ! Will it be my Dad's fault if I die ? Whether or not it is or isn't I know Mom and Dakota would never forgive him. Would it be West-jet's fault ? I hope Mom sues them. What's after death ? I mean humanity has a lot of theories, but no one has actual answers. At least if I die I don't have to worry anymore, I have nothing to lose so I guess it's fine,,.
By, Emma Gerbrandt-Srigley