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@tyongz added @chittaten, @winwinz @jaehyun719, @yukhey, @jwoo82, @younghoe, @markedlee, @yuturd, and @dongsuck

taeyong: hey i hope you're all gay

ten: taeyong what the fuck idk any of these people man

yuta: uhhh hi?

winwin: hi :)


jungwoo: ^^ that guy is scary but hello!!

jaehyun: what the hell is this and who are these people?!1?!2!2!32!?3?

taeyong: ill explain in a second

mark: hi

donghyuck: sup

taeyong: okay everyone has said hi now i can explain

winwin: @younghoe hasnt

taeyong: yeah well he's lame

winwin: you dont know him

taeyong: yeah well i dont know you either you're probably lame too

winwin: :(

yuta: uh hey dont be mean

taeyong: SORRY anyway so

taeyong: i just added a load of people i was following and now we're here.

ten: we get it taeyong you have zero friends

taeyong: fuck off

jaehyun: im guessing ten and taeyong already know eachother

taeyong: yeah he's my bestie

ten: lol u wish.

jaehyun: does anyone else coincidentally know someone in this group chat.

yuta: i know winwin we have a relationship of some sort

winwin: :3

jungwoo: oooh

taeyong: thats. cute man

ten: so ya'll fuck

yuta: no

taeyong: are any of you minors or-

mark: .... me and donghyuck are still in highschool i-

taeyong: oh

donghyuck: mark we're about to get kicked.

taeyong: no no donghyuck likes overwatch he's chill

mark: what about me

ten: are you gay?

mark: i like boys. thats all im saying.

taeyong: we'll keep you too.

ten: where the fuck is this younghoe guy.

ten: he's a hoe

ten: get it?

ten: because his name is youngHOE

taeyong: yes ten we get your joke

jaehyun: yes ten we get your joke

taeyong: jinx

jaehyun: jinx

johnny: firstly my name isnt youngHOE its youngho, so i made the joke myself.

johnny: secondly thats not my name, its my korean name and its only my username because my family doesnt know who i am.

johnny: thirdly call me johnny and johnny only

johnny: secondly i was sleeping you fucks.

ten: oh okay.

taeyong: where the fuck are you from

mark: i should be asleep too

donghyuck: and me

johnny: i live in chicago

mark: me and donghyuck go to school in cAnAdA

jungwoo: does canada really have moose?

jungwoo: i really want to know :3

mark: yes.

jungwoo: oh my GOSH.

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