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it was the last day, however the two boys had decided to stay up all night, meaning it was only 2am.

they had built a fort out of blankets on johnny's bed and the two shared sleep-lacked giggles as they held eachother. they felt like little kids, as they had to be quiet just incase johnny's family heard them.

johnny sat up, as the fort was pretty high and open so they could actually breathe. ten rested on the boy's chest. they had spent alot of time wifh johnny's family in the past day, they havent really had a chance to have 'alone time' and speak in english, which is easier for the both of them.

"have i told you you're really comfortable?" ten smiled, playing with johnny's hoodie strings.

"no, but i guess i am, considering the time you've spent laying on me," johnny laughed, slipping his hand sneakily into ten's hand, "are you sleepy yet?"

ten felt his heart become warm as johnny held his hand, and put their conjoined hands onto his knee, "not at all," he stated proudly, "i wanna stay awake all night."

"we could sleep a little bit."

"yeah... but not yet." ten smiled mischievously

johnny chuckled at how childish ten could be, as he stroked the back of his hand with his thumb.

"im really gonna miss you quite alot," ten admitted, "im not gonna have anyone to cuddle anymore."

"wont you have taeyong?" johnny said, regretting it.

"i used to have taeyong. but now i have you and taeyong has jaehyun. it wont feel the same," ten rambled, "y'know? your cuddles are better than his.. you're warmer and taller and more muscular."

johnny laughed, "im not very muscular, ten. im just tall."

"exactly, taeyong is too short to cuddle. you're nice and warm." ten continued to ramble, as johnny just listened.

"im gonna miss you too," johnny agreed, "i have no idea when i'll see you next."

"johnny you're making this seem really dramatic and emotional. we're in a kiddie fort at 3am."

"shut it. its dramatic."

ten huffed, holding johnny's shoulders as he hugged him, "whatever you say."

the two sat in silence for a while, as their breathing patterns synced up and their hands were still tangled together. johnny had his lips on the top of ten's head, his hair smelling like his own shampoo.

johnny suddenly gained confidence, pulling ten up by his hips so they were now face to face. ten had a shocked expression on his face due to how quickly he moved, but johnny just laughed.



"why havent you kissed me yet, ten?" johnny suddenly spoke, making ten go red. and this time, his face was completely red.

"if i kissed you now, i wouldn't be able to stop.." ten whispered, his face hovering above johnny's.

"and you think thats gonna stop me from wanting to kiss you, yeah?" johnny chuckled, holding ten's waist.

ten attempted to look away, as he knew how flustered he was becoming, but johnny just grabbed him by the chin so their eyes were locked again.

"what would you do if i were to kiss you, right now." johnny asked, holding ten so he was stable above him.

"....kiss you back," ten mumbled, "for a long time.."

johnny nodded, lowering ten so his legs were the only thing holding him up. the younger covered his mouth as his body suddenly fell . his whole body was pratically ontop of johnny's as their faces became alot closer than before

the only thing keeping their lips from locking together was ten's hand. johnny rolled his eyes.

"ten, please move your hand," he smirked, making ten red, when he thought he couldnt get any redder.

ten slowly took his hand away from his lips, and johnny didnt hesitate to place his hand on the back of the boy's head and connect their lips slowly.

ten melted into the boy's kiss, letting his whole body relax. johnny's other hand was now on the boy's jawline as their lips collided. the both of them knew this is what needed to happen.

they kissed as if they had been waiting to do this for years. they kissed as if the world was ending tomorrow. they kissed, and the kiss was full of passion and greed, as if this was the only thing that could keep them both alive.

johnny felt ten's legs become jelly-like, which made him chuckle mid-kiss. this made ten uncomfortable as he pulled away for air, "stop laughing, stupid head."

"sorry, dumb-"

johnny was cut off by ten's lips on his again. ten had his arms around johnny's neck as the two made out.

and this carried on for quite a long time. the two couldnt get enough of eachother. by the time they had both agreed to stop, their lips were sore and their faces were both as red as a tomato.

"you're gonna be the death of me," ten said breathlessly, "i could've done that for hours, and hours, and hours..."

"then why dont we?"

"because.. im tired."

johnny nodded, connecting their lips a final time as he knew ten would be going home later. he then placed a final kiss on his nose.

"thank you for letting me kiss you," he giggled, making ten smile, "i enjoyed it."

"believe me, i loved it as much as you did."

the two yawned in unison, their bodies still entangled. ten rolled off of johnny, making johnny pout.

"dont make that face," ten laughed, "one of us would've stopped breathing if i hadnt gotten off."

johnny smiled, before grabbing ten again, "wanna sleep on your little makeshift bed?"

"i'll pass on that."

the two then quickly drifted off to sleep in eachother's arms. neither of them had felt as much comfort as they do now.

a/n it happened

jealousy ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now