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taeyong: can we ask eachother really invasive questions

johnny: yes i wanna know everyones kinky secrets heheh

jaehyun: ok

taeyong: i'll ask first

taeyong: how many of you have lost your virginity, and how old were you

johnny: i have and i was 18? maybe?

ten: me & 19

winwin: nope

jungwoo: yes ... 18

lucas: omg really :o and yes i have 19

jaehyun: ?????? i was 16 and now i feel weird because ya'll lost it later and now i feel like a slut

taeyong: no slut shaming i lost it at 17,,,

yuta: i havent surprisingly

winwin: wait really?

yuta: nope :) you thought i had?

winwin: yes because you're hot

mark: i ,, have

donghyuck: i havent because im a responsible teenager who focuses on his grades and doesnt have sex with women

mark: it was one time and i was drunk

johnny: my dad senses are kicking in,,, arent you like 12?

mark: im 18

donghyuck: im 17

mark: i lost it at 16 like jaehyun

jaehyun: yesssss

johnny: anyways next question im uncomfortable

ten: ill ask

ten: what turns you on

johnny: oh god

yuta: winwin

winwin: what


winwin: thank god

winwin: anywayssss love bites 👉👈

johnny: me too

yuta: me too

jaehyun: and me

lucas: and me

ten: ya'll r boring

taeyong: i agree

mark: i aint answering that

donghyuck: im a virgin idk

ten: veins and strong with deep voice

johnny: im gonna pretend that isnt just a bunch of words

ten: it makes sense :c

taeyong: penis turns me on

jungwoo: big hands 🥵🥵

ten: i suddenly feel 102029x more closer to u all

johnny: i dont i kinda wanna escape

ten: nooo :0

johnny: k

ten: ouch

taeyong: who would you kiss in this groupchat

yuta: winwin

winwin: yutahhhhhh

taeyong: kinda obvious

ten: idK DUDE idk anyone in this groupchat well enough to kiss them.

taeyong: dont be a pussy

ten: uhhhh

ten: lowkeyyyyyy. johnny... but LOWKEY

johnny: dont worry id LOWKEY chose you too

taeyong: now fuck

jungwoo: hmm lucas or johnny they're cool looking

lucas: jungwoo?

jaehyun: hm jungwoo or taeyong

donghyuck: mark

mark: none of you

taeyong: jaehyun or lucas

ten: people r gonna have to fight for johnny lucas and jungwoo.

ten: jungwoo i will win

jungwoo: das okay ill just be left with lucas

lucas: a blessing

ten: guyz im sleepy

jungwoo: me too :'( can we do this tomorrow i want to sleep

taeyong: aww the babies are sleepy guys 🥺

jaehyun: im tired too goodnight

johnny: i mean ive just woken up but goodnight !!!

jealousy ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now