Another Crazy Adventure

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(Merisa's P.O.V)

Today started out being a normal day (or at least as normal as my life can be); I woke up and got dressed and started heading downstairs only to walked past the mirror that caused for my life to be changed forever. "Don't even think about it" I told myself before continuing on my merry way. After arriving at the bottom of the stairs I headed into the dining room only to be greeted by my aunt Tina who was standing near the stove making breakfast.

"Good morning Merisa, how did you sleep?" My aunt asked me seeing I had finally awoken from my deep slumber.

Fine, thanks for asking. I said after sitting at the table.

"Hey cuz, you wanna come with me to the book store today? I mean since we're on Spring Break I thought we could hang out." My cousin Nicole asked me.

Sure, just let me know when you're ready to leave. I said.

"Right now actually." She told me which caused for me to try to each as much of my breakfast as possible. "Hurry up Merisa, or I'll leave you behind, Bye mom." She screamed from the doorway.

Nicole, wait up. Bye aunt Tina. I said before running to catch up with Nicole.

Half way down the street Nicole seemed to notice that I was once again staring down at the necklace hanging around my neck.

"You're thinking about him again; aren't you?" Nicole asked me due to noticing the upset look on my face.

Yeah, I think about him everyday. I miss him so much. I told her knowing she was one of the only people who knew as to whom I was talking about.

It's been a whole year since my adventure with Link ended. The last thing I remember was being grabbed by the shadow king Zant and screaming for Link to help me, but then there was a blinding light and I woke up in my room at aunt Tina's house. Shocked I ran down the hall and looked in the mirror hoping to see the face I had come to know so well and I nearly broke down on the floor in tears after seeing that it was my normal reflection because I knew there was a chance that I would never see Link or any of my friends ever again; I've even tried returning to that world but even with the book I haven't been able to do so. When I told my aunt Tina, Nicole, and my uncle John about the adventure I had I was honestly really surprised that they all believed me, but aunt Tina told me I should probably not tell anyone at school.

"Why do you cause yourself so much heartache by thinking about him; I mean... he's just a fictional character." Nicole said which caused for me to send her a death glare.

He wasn't just a fictional character. At least not to me. I told her already feeling the tears coming to my eyes.

"Okay, just forget I said that. By the way I found a manga series that I thought you might like to read." She said before dragging me into the bookstore only for the two of us to walk up to the manager. "Good morning Tim." She said in an attempt to get his attention.

"Morning Nicole; here to check on that order again I assume?" He asked.

"You know me, so has it all shown up yet?" Nicole asked with excitement in her voice.

"There were a lot of books, in fact they should be your house by now." He said.

"Alright; come on Merisa. Nice seeing you again Tim!!" Nicole said before dragging me out of the store.

When Nicole and I got home we were shocked to see aunt Tina holding up one of the books Nicole had ordered.

"Nicole, I thought I told you not to get her this book series. I said you could buy her any other one; but not this one!!" aunt Tina yelled.

"Tina, calm down." My uncle said in an attempt to soothe my distraught aunt which only caused for him to get his hand smacked away.

"No, I will not calm down John. I'm not going to lose my niece the same way I lost Lily Anne!!" She yelled only to break down in tears.

Lily Anne... I thought my mothers name was Angela? I asked. "And why are you getting so worked up over this book." I said before picking up the book. "The Seven Deadly Sins?" I asked myself before opening the book.

"No, DON'T OPEN IT!!" aunt Tina yelled.

After opening the book it started to feel like my body was on fire. That was when I fell onto the ground and it felt like my body was disappearing. The last thing I heard was Nicole yelling my name.

(??'s P.O.V)

I'm sitting in town with some of the village children when I saw something falling out of the sky.

Alright kids; I have to go do something important. I'll be right back. I said before running toward the forest.

"But what about our game?!" one of the children yelled.

When I got into the forest I was shocked to come across a brown haired girl lying on the ground. I take a close look at her only to notice she looked like an old friend of mine.

It... it can't be. I say to myself before lifting her limp body into my arms. "I better get you to the Captain; if anyone may know how you got here, he will." I say before running in the direction of the Tavern.

Daughter of a Tutelary: To love a Sin (Seven Deadly Sins) (OC x Ban)Where stories live. Discover now