Unexpected encounter and being betrayed

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(Baste Prison) (Ban's P.O.V)

Hey kid, is that anyway to talk to a hero? I asked.

"Don't you dare call me a kid. I'm an apprentice Holy Knight." She said.

        Then before I could say anything else she started slashing away at me with her sword.

AHH, Do you think I cut it a little too close there? I wondered after noticing the clean shave she gave me.

"How could you have dodged my blade with all of those wounds?" She asked.

Wounds... What wounds? I asked while slowly waving my airs through the air.

"But how... each of your limbs were run through with steel spikes." She said in shock.

Remember this well kid, the only wound on my body is this one, see? The wound that he gave me is a special case. I said.

(Back in Dalmally) (Elizabeth's P.O.V)

        I'm sitting next to Sir Meliodas' bed in the doctors home when the doctor walked in.

"How is the patient looking?" Doctor Dana asked.

The medicine you made put him to sleep. I said.

"He almost looks dead." Hawk said.

"Hawk did you really have to say it like that?" Lady Lyrana asked.

"He's right though... Monks Hood, Deadly Nightshade, Spanish Fly, and the leaves of the Black Henbane... Having poisoned him with this deadly concoction, he will never wake again." He said.

Poison!? Wasn't it a medicine to heal his wounds?! I asked.

"Good work Dana... Even we wouldn't have come out unscathed from a direct confrontation with the Seven Deadly Sins." Someone said.

Who are you?! Show yourself!! I yelled.

"It is an honor to meet you... I am the Holy Knight Golgius... Member of the Weird Fangs." The person said.

"Where did he come from?" Hawk asked.

"Princess Elizabeth, I have come to fetch you." He said.

"Not so fast, you'll have to go through the order of scraps disposal first!!" Hawk said only for the Holy Knight to kick him.

"You and this sword... Meliodas of the Seven Deadly Sins, it is pointless for you to possess this, I will take it back now." Golgius said.

(Memory) (Meliodas' P.O.V)

"Come on Cap'n, why won't you let me look at your sword?" Ban asked.

What is it about this piece of junk that interests you so much? I asked.

"Can you blame me for being curious as to why the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins carries around a broken sword everywhere he goes?" Ban asked once again and stepped behind me. "Come on... just let me have a look at your sword." He said which caused for me to grip my swords handle tightly.

Let go... Ban. I said.

"Hmm... Hey, you two are still up?" Diane asked.

Let go Ban... you don't want to make me angry. I said.

"Make you angry; are you serious... you and me have been hanging out for how long now and I've never once seen you get angry." Ban said.

"Ban, just what are you doing to the Captain?" Diane asked.

"If doing this is what it takes to see you angry, then I want to see your sword even more... Nah, I wanna steal it." Ban said which caused for me to cut his neck. "Well, looks like I just got to see a hidden side of you." Ban said.

Sorry about that Ban... but this sword-. I said.

(End of Memory) (Elizabeth's P.O.V)

Stop, what are you doing to Sir Meliodas?! I exclaimed.

        In that moment Sir Meliodas climbed out of the bed.

"You just don't know when to quit... Let go of the sword." Golgius said.

"Even if I die... I'll never let go of this sword... It's the only way I can atone for my sins!!" Sir Meliodas said in a very dark and menacing voice. That's when Golgius jumped out of the window.

Um... Sir Meliodas... Is that you? I asked.

"Hey Elizabeth; Hey Lyrana; and you porky." Sir Meliodas said.

When we got outside Golgius killed Doctor Dana and he started trying to fight Sir Meliodas only to ultimately be defeated.

(Merisa's P.O.V)

        Me and Diane are currently walking in the direction of Baste Prison when we stopped.

Diane, are you alright. I asked only for her to place me in her hand. "Diane; what are you doing?!" I asked.

"It will be faster if only one of us gets to Baste Prison... try to find Ban when you get there." She said to which she threw me in the direction of Baste Prison.

OH MY GOD; I'M GOING TO DIE!! I thought to myself before slamming through the wall of the prison. "Owww... That hurt." I said.

Daughter of a Tutelary: To love a Sin (Seven Deadly Sins) (OC x Ban)Where stories live. Discover now