The Sin of Wrath's Boar Hat

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(Merisa's P.O.V)

I woke up the next morning and sat up in my bed thinking I was back at aunt Tina's only to feel someone squeezing my boob.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PERVERT!? I yelled only to smack said person across the face.

"I told you that would happen." Someone said before leaning her head against the wall.

"I was just checking your heartbeat." He said before rubbing his cheek.

Yeah right, I highly doubt that was all you were doing. I said before crossing my arms over my chest. That's when I see a girl with silver hair that covered one of her eyes come running down the stairs.

"Sir Meliodas; are you alright?" The girl asked.

I should be the one being asked that question. I thought to myself.

"So Meliodas, is there anyone in particular that she reminds you of?" The girl leaned against the wall asked.

"Not really, although she does look a lot like Lily Anne." He said.

"I literally just asked if there was anyone she reminded you of!!" She yelled.

"So you wanna tell us your name?" The boy asked.

My name is Merisa Davidson. Now before anything else unexpected happens; can somebody please tell me where I am? I asked.

"You're in my Tavern, The Boar Hat." He said.

You're Tavern... but you're so young. I said in mild bewilderment.

"I'm not as young as I look." He said.

Okay then, but how did I get here? I asked.

"That would be because of me. I found you lying on the ground in the forest and brought you here. And before you ask who I am; My name is Lyrana and I'm the Eighth deadly Sin The Wolf Sin of Desperation." She said.

Eighth Sin... I thought there were only seven. Aren't the sins Wrath, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, and Pride? I asked before looking at the boy who I smacked.

"She was given the title of the eighth sin a few years before the Grand Master of the Holy Knights was killed; not many people even know about her." He said.

"Well I'm sure we could use the extra help in the tavern if it's alright with Sir Meliodas. By the way; My name is Elizabeth." The girl with the silver hair said.

That's when a pig walked out from behind the bar area.

"And I'm Sir Hawk; Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal." The pig said.

Am I crazy, or did I just hear that pig talk? I asked.

"One; yes you just heard the swine talk. And two; sure we could use some help around here. But you have to follow the Boar Hat uniform policy." He said before handing me a uniform like Elizabeth's outfit.

"You can't expect her to wear that; can you?" Lyrana asked.

Then I sighed to myself. "I'll go get changed." I said before heading up the stairs.

I went and got changed into my new outfit only to notice just how skimpy it was and sigh. "Link would surely kill me if he saw me wearing this." I think to myself before running back downstairs. "Alright Meliodas, what do you want me to do now?" I asked before sitting at one of the tables.

"Not much really; we're actually heading into the Forest of White Dreams tomorrow, so today we're just going to relax for the rest of the night." He said before circling me like a vulture.

What... what are you doing? I asked starting to feel nervous.

"Just conducting a size check." He said before lifting up the back of my skirt.

Thank you; but that won't be necessary!! I said before walking over by Elizabeth.

"For the time being you'll share a room with Elizabeth." He said.

Then Elizabeth took me upstairs and we walked into a room with two beds.

"You may have either of the beds Lady Merisa." Elizabeth said.

You don't have to be so formal Elizabeth, just call me Merisa, okay. I say before sitting on one of the beds.

"Alright, I'll come get you if Sir Meliodas needs us to work." She said before leaving the room.

That's when I sighed in frustration only to fall backwards onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. One thing I couldn't help but wonder was who Lily Anne was. That's when I wrapped my hand around my necklace that I got from Link a year ago. "Link, I miss you so much." I think to myself before sitting up and letting a tear roll down my cheek with every memory that popped into my head.

I guess since I'm here there's no turning back. I thought to myself before leaving the room.

Daughter of a Tutelary: To love a Sin (Seven Deadly Sins) (OC x Ban)Where stories live. Discover now