Onward to Baste Prison

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Merisa's P.O.V)

        Once the five of us left the Forest of White Dreams Meliodas decided that we would head to Baste Prison to retrieve Ban to which Elizabeth brought up the fact that he should get his wound treated only for him to tell her that he just needed some rest, but he didn't even get to his bed before falling to the ground due to blood loss. That was when Diane headed into town to find a doctor. After a while of searching we finally found her and Lyrana convinced her to let us go find a doctor.

"It's strange, although he's just a child he has injuries as if he was struck by lightning and such a bad sword injury, what exactly happened to him?" The doctor asked himself before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry Sir Meliodas... I got you into this mess." Elizabeth said before a tear rolled down her cheek.

Elizabeth... I thought to myself.

"What do we do now?" Hawk asked.

"I'll go to Baste Prison on my own." Diane said.

Wait Diane! I said before we tried to catch up with her. "I'll come with you." I said.

"No thanks, I don't need a human tripping me up." Diane said.

"But... we feel like it's because of the two of us that Sir Meliodas pushed himself so hard." Elizabeth said only for Diane to slam her foot down in front of us.

"I DON'T THINK SO; THE CAPTAIN ISN'T DOING ANY OF THIS FOR EITHER OF YOU!!" Diane yelled only to lower her head. "The captain is just that kind of guy... always has been." She said.

        That's when Diane told us about what happened the day she met Meliodas only afterwards we all heard buzzing coming from the direction of Baste Prison.

"Are those Bugs?" Elizabeth asked.

Worse... It's a swarm of poisonous insects. Lyrana said.

"Baste Prison is attacking... Diane deal with these guys." Hawk said.

"EEEEKKKK!!! I HATE BUGS!!!" Diane exclaimed.

"Diane; if this keeps up the town will be destroyed." Lyrana said only for us to notice Elizabeth had started running toward the doctors home.

ELIZABETH, NO!! I yelled only for Diane to slam her fist against the ground.

"I may hate bugs... but, if it means protecting the captain, then this is nothing!!" Diane yelled.

(Baste Prison) (??'s P.O.V)

"Looks like it's already begun. You wanna bet who'll win?" one of the guards asked.

"The Seven Deadly Sins used to be the strongest Knights, but there's no way they'll beat the current imperial guards, the Holy Knights." The other guard said.

Great! Sounds like it should be fun!🎵 I said before kicking the door to my cell down.

"Th-this can't be real!!" One of the guards said.

AAAW... It's good to go for a walk every once in a while. I said.

(Back in Dalmally) (Merisa's P.O.V)

      After a bit of time Diane destroyed all the bugs.

"Hey, can you show me how to do that?" Hawk asked.

"Merisa... are you coming with me?" Diane asked.

I already said I would. I told her before she placed me on top of her shoulder.

"Princess, I leave the captain to you and Lyrana." Diane said before we started heading in the direction of Baste Prison.

(Baste Prison) (??"s P.O.V)

"How did you break out?!" One of the guards asked.

How? Can't you see? I kicked the door down. I said before pulling a steel spike out of my leg.

"But why now?! The Seven Deadly Sins Fox sin of Greed Ban!!" The other guard asked.

Why, well because you guys were holding such a riveting conversation. I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked again.

You said he's alive... The Cap'n of the Seven Deadly Sins. I said before pulling another steel spike out of my leg.

"Notify the Weird Fangs at once!!" He yelled.

        That's when some weird kid came walking down the hallway.

"What's all the commotion?" She asked (at least I'm pretty sure it's a she).

"Jericho!! It's an emergency, Ban has broken out of his cell!" The guard said.

"The Fox sin of Greed, I don't know how you escaped but get back in there now." She said.

Daughter of a Tutelary: To love a Sin (Seven Deadly Sins) (OC x Ban)Where stories live. Discover now