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The Homeworld rubies.

Steven heard a crash, and the next thing he knew, he was being flown onto another warp. He got up and realized, the crash was Doc, crashing the only working warp. She must have broken all the other warps.

Steven was stuck there with the Homeworld rubies.

He slowly brought his hand up to his face. He licked his hand and put it on the crack.

Nothing happened.

Tension bubbled up.

Doc smiled. "So, from what Ruby said-" Eyeball grinned, "-you took Spinel from the Diamonds and held her hostage."

"That was your doing." Steven said.

"And the Diamonds will believe who? The ones who they have created, and known for thousands of years? Or the 16 year old one who they have hated since they knew existed, and then began to smother only because of your relative."

"I'm sure they'll hear me out."

"How'd that work out last time?" Eyeball said, recalling the Trial.

"Things have changed—"

"Then, Steven, tell me, why everything feels the same?"

Steven felt thousands of emotions bubbling through him. One of them was most definitely anger. He had learned over the years, that anger, energy, and positive were the exact same thing. Emotions were a lie. He sighed, and forced a smiled. Couragesly, he licked his hand. He stomped his hand on the warp.

It didn't activate.

All the rubies chuckled. "No one's here to trick us but you."

Steven growled. His eyelid twitched. "YA KNOW WHAT? YOU DONT MESS WITH ME!!"

The rubies had no idea what was coming in for them.

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