Peter Parker was once a young boy with a bad health disease and he is on the verge of dying until his father doctor Richard Parker found a cure for his disease.
but in the process the cure gave his son amazing abilities and soon be discovered that n...
Sidewalk with Peter
Peter was walking down the street thinking to himself
'Alright all i really have to do is find a place where I can take pictures of myself and give them to Jameson then get paid should be simple enough'
He thought to himself so he wasn't paying when he bumped into someone knocking that person's things on the ground. "Hey watch it" says the feminine voice
"Crap I'm sorry i was caught up" he didn't finish as he saw who he bumped into she had long wavy platinum blonde hair and deep Blue eyes
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and just looking at her made Peter's face turn a deep shape of red at the sight of the young woman and she looks at Peter with a raised eyebrow
"Is there something on my face" she asked with a smirk making Peter blush slightly. "U-uh no sorry I i just"
"I'm just joking" the mysterious woman says with a laugh making Peter laugh nervously
"Y-yeah but in all seriousness i really am sorry". He says the the young redhead woman who shook her head. "it's okay it kinda my fault too seeing I was on my phone". She says showing her phone Peter chuckles at this.
"Understandable that happens a lot these days people don't know how to look up anymore...they"
He was cut off when his spider Sense goes off and he and the blonde see five police cars fly by
'looks like trouble'
He thought as he turned his attention back to the redhead. "hey again I'm really sorry for running into you but I have to go see ya". He says running in the direction of the Police cars
The young woman watches daniel run off with a small smile on her face. "well he was....... interesting" _________________________________________
Alley with Peter
Peter quickly removes his shirt showing his spidey suit underneath and quickly puts on his mask and swings off
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