Peter Parker was once a young boy with a bad health disease and he is on the verge of dying until his father doctor Richard Parker found a cure for his disease.
but in the process the cure gave his son amazing abilities and soon be discovered that n...
Welcome to another chapter of this story hopefully you all like it. _______________________________________
New York CityNight
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The night has fallen over the city so now comes the masked vigilante of New York
Both Police and citizens of the city have had different opinions on the masked vigilante some see him as a hero but some a menace.
In the night of metro city a woman was being mugged in a alley way.
"P-please leave me alone" she says tears streaming down her face and one of the thugs places his hand on her shoulder and leans in close to her.
"Come on sweet heart don't make this harder than it needs to be" he says moving close to her and out of instinct she kneed in his privet making him groan and fall on the ground making the other two thugs laugh
"Shut the hell up" he says getting up and looked at woman with a hard glare and pulled out a switch blade making the woman's heart drop.
"And you stupid bitch you couldn't just listen now you gotta" before he could finish his blade was suddenly pulled from out of his hand. "What the"
And then someone's foot connected with his face knocking him to the ground and before the other two thugs had time to react the figure shot two web lines at their faces and pulling them forward and close lined both of them knocking them to the ground and figure webs all three of the thugs together. "Are you okay?" he asked the woman who only nodded to scared to say anything.
"Good" was all he said before wall running up the building shocking the woman completely. 'was he a meta human?' _______________________________________
Convenient store
"Hurry up put all the money in the Damn" he yells holding the gun in the cashiers face.
"Okay okay" he says quickly putting the money in the bag and he gave it to the robber he took the bag and backed up to the door. "And I better not catch you calling the cops" he says but then a web attached to his back. "What the" he was pulled upward and handing upside down on a lamppost and the bag of money was thrown back into the store on the counter with a note webbed to it saying
Your welcome _______________________________________
A woman on a busy sidewalk was walking talking on the phone when all of a sudden her purse was snatched out of her hand.
"Hey someone stop him" she yells out and suddenly webbing wrapped around the man's legs making him fall on his face and before he could move both of his hands where webbed to the ground and another web line attached to the woman's purse and threw it back to her and the woman along with some other bystanders looked up to see a figure standing on a lamppost and swung off into the night _______________________________________