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Fisk industries Parker's lab

A man looking to be in his early 30's was looking at a formula on his monitor he was deep in thought as he looked at the monitor. 'is this the Right thing to do'. He thought as he walked over to a table and sees a serum

He picks it up and think about only one person 'my son'

Flashback new York's medical Hospital

In the hospital a young woman was in tears seeing her son in a bed not moving with oxygen tubes to help him breath the young boy was pale and you could see his Bones

"He doesn't deserve this Richard". She says to the man next to her the man now named Richard nodded in agreement staring at his son.

"I know mary I know it's pains me to see him like this" he says holding his wife close

"Sorry I'm late you two". The two looked over to see a close family friend Eddie Brock senior

"Hey Eddie" Richard gave a sad smile hugging his oldest best friend and he hugged mary as well.

"I cancelled all my meetings and rushed over as soon as possible". He tells them breaking the hug as he looks into the room thought the window seeing the young boy laying in bed

"How's he doing?". He asked and the hallway got quiet mary started to tear up once More, Peter pulls her into his arms as he starts to cry.

"Eddie h-he only has 1 month left to live". He tells her billionaire who's eyes widen in shocked. "w-what how-"

"The disease in his body is taking over not even the doctors know what he has its only a matter of time before he". He begins but didn't finish not wanting to finish in front of his wife who was already in tears.

"Eddie a word please". He says letting his wife go and pulls his Eddie to the side where his wife couldn't hear them. "look I know this might sound crazy but.........I think there might be a way to save him"

He says to the billionaire to raised his brow. "how?"

"You know that project fisk industries has been working on you know the super soldier project"

He says making bruce's eyes widen and slightly glares at his friend. "are you crazy that project is unstable no telling what it could do to your son you've told me that people in the pass have not survived those test"

He tried to explain but he knew by the look on Peter's face he made up his mind from the beginning.

"I understand that but bruce my son is in that bed dying as we speak weather I do it or not I could lose my boy and I refuse to let him die and no matter what you say I'm gonna save my son"

"And what about Wilson fisk you know once he finds out he'll-"

"I'll worry about him later it's my serum I can do what I want with it" he says glaring at his friend until Eddie sighed

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