Chapter 10: Bird of prey

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Welcome to another chapter wonderful readers and true believers.



Osborn Penthouse

"WHAT NO WAY" Peter yells out looking at his tv screen

"I KNOW RIGHT THAT GUY IS CAMPING HIS ASS OFF" harry osborn says sitting beside harry with a ps4 controller in his had as the two played call of duty and once the match was over Peter looks at harry

"So what's been going on harry you haven't been at school lately"

"Yeah i know my dad's really been pushing me hard but anyways are you planning on asking MJ?" He asked with a smirk making Peter blush

"W-what why would i-"

"Oh come on bro give it up everyone at midtown knows you have a thing for MJ even the teachers"

"Wait really how did they-"

"Chill dude i was just joking" harry says with a laugh and Ethan gives him a glare. "Ha ha nice one Osborn your a real comedian"

"Thank you thank you I try...but anyway I heard that homecoming is coming up soooo do you plan on asking a certain redhead that we both know?" He asked and Peter only roles his eyes

"I don't know harry i mean I'm pretty sure I'm not the only guy to asked MJ to homecoming"

"Well has anyone asked her" asked harry

"From what she told me a couple of guys asked her but she told them no...i wonder why tho" he wondered making harry faceplam. "Geez Peter for a guy that gets straight A's you sure are dense"

"Wait how am i dense?" He asked and Harry chuckles harry always knew Peter was bad when it came to girls heck the only female friend he's ever had was mary jane

"Dude why do you think she's been saying no so many guys?"

"Uh their not her type" he answers

"No dude she's waiting on YOU to ask her" be says making Peter blush. "W-what no way"

"Yes way man i mean any guy kill to be with Mary Jane and you have freaking free ticket and your blowing it man" harry says places his hand on ethan's shoulder and Ethan thought about what harry was saying

'Harry's right I'm such a Damn idiot no wonder why she gets all shy and always has that cute little blush on her face AHHHH PARKER YOUR A MORON'

He thought in his freaked out mind. "Hey don't freak out man all you have to do is ask her before the dance simple"

"What about you?" Peter asked and Harry raised a brow. "What about me?"

"Who are you plan on going with or are you not going with any one" he asked and Harry grew a sad expression. "I don't know of I'm gonna be able to go" he says and Peter's eyes widen as hearing this

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