Chapter 11: The Stalking vulture

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Osborn penthouse

Norman on his penthouse balcony having a drink not even concerned that the vulture could show up at any moment. "Adrian that old fool trying to take me out how dare he if I ever get the chance I'll"

"Do you always talk to your self Osborn" says a voice cutting him off and he turns to see spiderman standing there with his arms cross and Norman's eyes instantly narrow. "What are you doing here spiderman?" He his tone stern and strong. "Well I'd like to know why bird man tired to turn you into sidewalk pancake?" He asked but all Norman did was turn away from him but spiderman flipped over him and landed on the edge of the balcony staring Norman in the face

"Hey pal I don't know what your problem is with me but you probably should be a little bit grateful that i saved your life" he says his lenes on his mask narrows at Norman but Norman kept his strong look. "Why should i tell you....telling you won't change a thing now would it?"

"I want to know so I probably could find a way to reason with the guy" he says and Norman shakes his head. "No Adrian is hell bent on killing me"

"Wanna share with the rest of the class on why?" He asked crossing his arms and Norman only turns away.

"Look Osborn I don't want to be here talking to you either but the vulture is still out there and no telling when he could strike again so would you please stop playing the tough guy act and start talking" he says and Norman gives him a side glance and let's out a sigh. "Adrian was stealing tech from Oscorp and I confronted him about it but of course he denied it so I fired him so I'd assume he wants to kill me for firing him" he explains

"Well it didn't seem like he was trying to kill you for firing him it seemed like something else"

"I told you the truth now get out of here before I call the cops" he treated glaring at Spider-Man. "Yeah yeah whatever" he says leaping the balcony and swimming away and Norman watched with a glare still on his face.

"What weird creature you are Spider-Man"

With Peter

Peter was walking down the street to see harry and mary jane at the pizza parlor and he was thinking about what Norman said. "Well it does make sense i mean who knows maybe vulture had a good reason for stealing"

he says to himself but he could feel his gut saying something else

"But at the same time it still doesn't seem right I mean why not use the suit to steal the tech back why go after Osborn seems more like trouble really.....well either way vulture needs to be stop before someone mainly Norman gets hurt"

Pizza Parlor with Harry and Mary Jane

"So mary jane has Peter asked you to homecoming yet?" The young teen asked the now blushing redhead. "Well no he hasn't i don't even know if he's even going and so many guys keep asking me and long had the nerve to ask me" she says in a annoyed tone making harry laugh

"Hey don't sweat I'm sure he'll ask you soon...i you know he can be dense at times" Harry says making mary jane nod and gives her best friend a smile harry always knew how to make her feel better. "Well what about going with anyone?"

"Nah I don't think I'll go with anyone...hey about if neither of us have dates then we'll go together just as friends deal?" He asked. "Sounds like a deal to me" she says with a smile but her smile soon faded when he saw something in the sky heading towards them. "HARRY WATCH OUT" she yells but it was to late harry graped and was taken off. "HARRY"

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