Chapter 14: Electrifying

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Hello my great and wonderful readers here is the next chapter of the marvelous Spider-man I hope you enjoy.

New York Health care hospital

"Max......max can you hear me". Says a sudden voice calling out.

"Huh ugh what's going on". Says max as his eyes start to open as his vision came into view he saw doctor Conner's also with his wife and his girlfriend and the doctor.

"Maxwell how are you feeling?". Asked the doctor.

"Ugh I feel....I feel weird as if I was struck by a bolt of lightning". He says as his body felt numb he lifted his arms to see them wrapped in bandages.

"What....what happened to me?". He asked looking at the doctor who glanced at Conners

"Well max it would seem you came in contact with a high voltage explosion and in the process you experienced high voltage shocks to your body these bandages are to help heal the scars on your body". The doctor explains

"Wait my body". He says in shock removing the blanket seeing almost half of his body was covered in bandages but then he realized.

"Wait my face is covered too does that mean?"

"Yes max I'm sorry your face was scared in the process but like I Said you will heal"

"NO". he suddenly yells making the lights in the room flicker, max looks at the lights and saw the concerned looks on everyone's face.

"Babe". Max's girlfriend finally speaking up walks up to him and places her hand on his face making him flinch back not wanting to hurt her.

"Beth you need to stay back I don't want to hurt you". He says backing away from her.

"Your not gonna hurt me max you'd never do that but you need to let the doctors help you okay?". She tells him slowly walking up to him and taking his hand leading him back to his bed where he sat.

"I'm gonna be right beside you the whole time I promise". She tells him placing a kiss on his cheek, max looked at her giving her a small smile.

"Alright doc I'll take whatever help you can give him". Max says willingly making the doctor nod.

"We'll figure something out max I promise". Says Dr. Conners.

Midtown High

Peter was taking some books out of this lockers for his next class. "hey Petey". Peter turns to see Liz with a huge smile on her face. "uh hey Liz what's up?". He asked her she held up a paper that showed 85%. "oh wow Liz that's good I'm-". Before he could finish Liz pulled him in for a hug which made Peter feel a little awkward.

"Uhh Liz". He says awkwardly as she let him go. "that was just my thank you Petey cause I know I was a total bitch to you but you still choose to help me so thank you"

She says genuinely making Peter smile. "like I said before Liz your really Smart you shouldn't hide that cause you want to continue to be popular you can get far with your mind More then your looks".

He tells her and hearing him use nice and genuine words that she would never hear from Flash "hey Liz you Okay your face is a little Red". He suddenly asked her that's when she knew she was blushing.

"Uh yeah yeah I'm fine...hey Petey I-".

"Hey Liz what you doing talking to Parker". She was cut off by the voice of her boyfriend flash who was walking down the hall along with his friend and Liz's.

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