━━━ vi. amateurs assassins.

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chapter six

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chapter six.

            RULE NUMBER ONE: NEVER grab a hunter from behind. It never works out for the other person. You'd think being involved with the supernatural it'd give them some sense not to sneak up on people even in broad daylight with some students littering around.  When his rough hand grabbed her all she could think about was save yourself, save yourself before he ends you. In her lifestyle, being inattentive gets you killed so you can't blame her for twisting Stiles' arm around and pinning him to the closet thing; a lamppost.

"Ow. Ow." Stiles groans trying to break out of her grip, his cheek squashed against the lamppost. Noticing the eyes of his peers on him, he tries to wave it off.  "Nothing to see here. Let me go, Veronica, you know I'm made out of fragile bones."

"You should know by now not to grab a hunter."  Veronica warned, releasing him. He sighs in relief rubbing his wrist, she doesn't like him. He's always trying to dig something up, he's smarter than most give him credit for so she has to be most careful around him if she wants to complete her plan undetected.   "What do you want, I've got a short story to write in English."

"Scott told me about last night." He answered. Did something other then her meeting him in the woods bruised could raise suspicion? "You tried to kill Liam last night. And you were hurt before you found Scott."

"What are you suggesting, Stiles?" She asked, arms crossing. There's not much he can deduct from that little amount of information and if he does, then she'll murder him in his sleep when it's least suspicious and burn his corpse and leave breadcrumbs for his father to Mexico, the music there is incredible.

"Did you kill Demarco?" Stiles blurted, eyes slightly squinted predicting she'd knock him over the head for discovering her deep dark secret.

"I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I killed a guy." Veronica scoffed. There had been no other body there yesterday night and whoever done it just purged the world of another beast. Good for them, it's almost insulting he thought she done it, if she had he wouldn't have noticed Demarco was missing.

"Right. Like that time you were arrested for arson." Stiles hissed, his face growing closer to hers.

She bit her cheek. There's nothing more she hated then people putting their noses in places they shouldn't and accusing her of shit they know nothing about, that 'arson' saved her sister's life unlike what he'd done a while back. "At least I saved a life. How 'bout you, planting a bomb in the police station with people still inside."

He glared hard, has clenched. "Scott might trust you, but I dont."

"Smart. I wouldn't trust me either." Veronica murmured, she was close enough to count the freckles on his face. He held her stare and a grin rose on her glossed lips, he'll be too busy chasing after her that he wouldn't notice her family working behind her on another trail. Someone knocked his shoulder making him stumble, she recognized his head of hair and was confirmed when another boy followed shouting his name. "Oh. Looks like your dog is off for a bite."

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