Chapter 1

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2 weeks later...


I've started getting to know how to get around school. I've also started getting really close to the crazy girls that I met on my first day here, this two weeks have been awesome. I never thought that I could get close to anyone ever again after what happened.

But I've changed and everything else has changed. I shouldn't keep comparing the present to the past. I'm a new person and I've decided to be a different person, a better version of myself.

Heading from my dorm to first block which is physics, I went to my locker to get my stuff and I was bombarded with a sweaty hug from Clarista and Amaryllis.

They must have been dancing from the looks of it. I smiled at them and hugged them back.

What's up, Kat!! she literally yelled in my ear. I scrunched my face and let them go while backing up a bit

Clari, you're right next to me. You don't need to scream so loud!

I jokingly punched her side but that was a wrong move. She started playfully growling and almost jumped me when Amaryllis caught her and held her back so she could get better control of herself. Slowly, her stripes disappeared.

He he, sorry. When I get excited, I get a bit out of control.

It's alright. I'll just be careful next time. I softly chuckled.

So, what class do you have now? I have chemistry but I really don't want go. I have a final test and I'm really nervous. But, worrying can wait cause we wanna tell you something really important. We have a new mission and we want you to be a part of our team. Either way, you have to choose a team and we just thought that you would want to be with us since hopefully we have become friends.

Yeah, I would love to be in your team! But, what's this mission about?

Oh, the headmistress never gives out information. She's very secretive about her assignments.

*Nevaeh comes running from across the hallway*

Guys!! The headmistress wants to meet us at 3 on the dot at the airport to explain our assignment and I've heard we're not going alone.

So, who do you think is going with us? Could it be some newbies?

*She loses her balance after suddenly being slightly pushed*

Elijah and Malik are standing there with Elijah slightly smirking and looking down at Amaryllis. Malik faces towards Clarista and glares at her with her glaring back showing off her fangs.

Why would they send some newbies with other newbies?

What's your damn problem. Can't you see how much space you have to walk. Is your ego that big that it can't fit in the hallway. You don't have to push people.

Hey dude, calm down.

*Malik leans down to help Amaryllis get up. She smiles at him and turns to glare at Elijah baring her claws*


You should know your place mutt. He slowly snickers while giving a side glance at her.

*Clarista stands by Amaryllis and looks at her friend in concern asking if she's alright*


I'm fine, Clari.
I smile at her. Slowly, she turns to look at Elijah and snaps her fangs at him.
Just because you're the alpha it doesn't mean anything here, nor to me, because remember you're not my alpha, so don't think I'm going to submit to you.

Yeah, Eli. Don't threaten my friend like that cause I'm pretty sure I can beat you here in a second. She glares and has her fangs and claws out ready to fight especially to rip that smirk off of Malik.

You guys are nitwits. Go back from wherever you came from and stop annoying us.

Guys, calm down. There's no reason to fight over nothing. We can simply talk it out.

*Ariella, Nevaeh, and Katerina try to calm down Amaryllis and Clarista but it wasn't working. They were trying to make them walk but they weren't budging*

*Clarista starts sprouting hair and her nose muzzle starts coming out. She growls at Malik and he smirks at her. She starts getting agitated and gets in position to pounce at him, but Ariella comes in to try and stop her from changing any farther*

Hey Clari, I know they're annoying, but you shouldn't let them affect you so much. Calm down, let's go to get you something to eat on our way to our dorm. I'll get you something sweet.

*Clarista turns her gaze from Malik and looks at her friend like she just told her that she won a million dollars. Slowly, she shifts back to her human form, but her ears stayed out and slowly she begrudgingly stomps ahead and growls at Malik when she walks past him*

Amaryllis gets annoyed when Elijah snickers and smirks at her with his fangs showing trying to make her submit. She growls at him and bares her fangs getting ready to bite him. Nevaeh comes in slowly and timidly trying her best to calm her friend down.

A, please calm down, don't listen to them. They're just trying to rile you up. Look, Riela told Clary that she'll get her something to eat on our way back to our dorm. Don't you want some good food to eat? A, come on, please.

*Amaryllis glances at Nevaeh and feels bad for making her worry, so slowly she turns back. Reluctantly, she starts stomping to where Clary and Ariella are with her ears poking out*

Ugh, they are so annoying. Why can't he leave me alone? He literally tried to force me to submit. That pup, I'll show him who he's messing with.

Yeah, you tell them A. He is the most annoying person I've ever met. He really had to smirk at me like that. He's an egotistical bastard.

Calm down guys, just let it go. It already passed. There's no need to still be stuck in the past.

Clarista and Amaryllis:
Don't make shut up!! I have the right to say whatever!!

Katerina stays silent in the middle of it all and while she sees her weird friends walking away, she tries to catch up with them after whispering to herself 'Are they always like this'. She softly chuckles under her breath and catches up with them.

Authors Note

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Much Love E & A

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