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~Luke's POV~

It was late on Friday night that I laid in my bed in the bedroom that Juno had helped me move into, looking up at the ceiling in thought. Thought about Juno.

She was perfect, I was sure of that. When I began working for her family, the very last thing that I had expected was for anything to become of her and I, for there to really even be a her and I, in fact. Somehow, though, I had grown very fond of her, of her feisty-ness and her soft voice and the taste of her lips. I had grown attached to having her talk to me about anything she wanted, just for the sake of me hearing her voice. I had grown attached to the sight of her face, had begun thinking of her early in the mornings when I woke and late at night while I laid in bed, like now. I was no idiot. I knew I had feelings for her, yet I wasn't scared of them. She made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

And just as I had feelings for her, I knew she held them for me, too. Knowing something like that was the most soul freeing thing on the planet, that someone who you cared for cared for you just as much.

Even with my feelings for her, though, I could never find it in me to not tease her. That was just how she and I were. It wouldn't have been us if I didn't fuck around with her and she didn't fire back at me with some sassy remark that inevitably made me want to kiss her crazy. I was pretty sure that she had grown to love me teasing her, though.

I sighed deeply as I rubbed a hand over my face, sitting up in my bed. It was quite comfortable, but I wasn't feeling tired, nor did I want to be alone at the moment. After a couple of minutes of just silently debating back and forth with myself, I eventually slipped out of my bed in just a pair of my shorts and pulled on my tank top, beginning to creep down the hallway when I was dressed. I went straight to Juno's bedroom and quietly opened the door, quickly slipping into her bedroom. The wooden floors slightly creaked under my weight as I entered, shutting the door behind myself just as quietly as I had opened it.

Sitting on her bed, Juno lifted her head and looked over at me, pinning her light blue gaze on me. I swiftly clicked the lock on her door and gave her a cheeky grin, causing her cheeks to flush a soft pink that made me want to squish her face in my hands. She could be so adorable.

"What are you doing here?" She asked softly, biting her lip as she looked at me. I sauntered over and slammed her laptop shut, quickly setting it on the floor before I leaned down to capture her lips with mine. She softly squeaked in surprise and didn't respond for a moment to my kiss, but when I gently tangled a hand into her silver hair to feel the soft strands in my hold, she immediately began to kiss me back.

A hum of utter content left me at her finally responding, goosebumps shooting up my spine as I crawled into her bed, kissing her all the while. I gently pushed her down and she let me, her head falling back into her pillows as I straddled her hips, one of my hands beside her head while the other still gripped at her hair.

Juno's arms slipped around my shoulders and she giggled cutely against my lips, her soft hands grazing along my shoulders and beneath my tank top to feel my shoulder blades. Goosebumps appeared on my skin, making me shudder against her body as her nails dug into my skin. I gently nipped at her bottom lip with my teeth, causing her to let out a cute moan against my lips, allowing my tongue to slip into her mouth. She whimpered against my lips and I felt her chest heaving under mine, slightly arching into me as I shifted so my hips were between her thighs and her legs were spread for me.

Things began to quickly get heated between Juno and I, my tongue exploring the taste of her mouth. She moaned again when I swiped my tongue along her bottom lip as I pulled away, the sound making my cock harden with desire. That sound was so sexy.

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