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~Juno's POV~

I woke up the next morning with Luke's body still cuddling up with mine, his strong arms around my naked waist while I had one leg wedged between his two. His head was nuzzled into my neck, soft lips brushing over the skin as he gently breathed into my neck. The warmth of his breath made goosebumps rise on my skin for some reason, my arms tightening around his torso as my cheeks flushed.

He shifted slightly and rolled us over so that my body was pinned beneath his massive frame, now resting his head on my bare breasts. I looked down and blushed harder as I remembered last night, the way he had paid such close attention to each of my breasts, or how he had kissed his way down my torso until his head was between my thighs. That was my first time ever having that happen, and it was fucking mind blowing how good it had felt. I tried to push those thoughts out of my head as Luke stirred on my chest a little and cutely nuzzled his cheek into the valley between each of my breasts. A soft murmur left his lips and he gently trailed his warm hands from underneath my back to my front, resting both of his hands innocently over my breasts and laying his head atop his hand.

My brows were raised slightly as I heard him murmur again before he shifted in his sleep, pressing himself closer to me. He mumbled nonsense in his sleep and I couldn't help but to think of how adorable he was , peering down at him with a soft smile.

Well, right up until his right hand squeezed my breast and his mouth enclosed around my left nipple, surprising me.

A squeak of surprise left me as I gaped down at him, his tongue gently swiping over my nipple as his right hand tweaked my other one. My breathing became heavier quickly, not used to all this attention on my chests, yet loving it all the same. I shivered under his frame as he suckled gently on my breast, palming and groping at the other one. It wasn't long before my core began to ache with need, tangling my fingers into his soft hair as his lids fluttered open. His blue eyes were darkened with lust as he gave me a little grin, opening his mouth so I could watch as his tongue gently traced around my erect nipple.

Between my legs, I felt his erect cock pressing at me through his shorts, but neither of us paid attention to that. He let out a deep purr and switched his mouth to my other breast, swapping places with his hand. I shivered and his eyes glinted with satisfaction as he teasingly swirled his tongue around my nipple, a hum of approval leaving his lips when I whimpered softly. This man was such a tease, purposefully riling me up like this. "What are you doing?" I breathed out to him, shivering as one hand traced down my side to grip at my bare hip. He gave me another grin that had my core absolutely throbbing and I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lip gently as he tugged my nipple with his teeth. "What? You don't like it?" He teased, knowing very well that I did. I scowled at him and he laughed as he stopped playing around with my breasts, a gleeful sparkle in his eyes. I couldn't find it in me to scowl at a smile like that, not right now.

"You, my little pumpkin," He grinned as he crawled up over me more, ducking his head so his lips brushed my earlobe. "Have the most beautiful pair of tits. Shouldn't a man praise them?" He hummed.

His words made me blush bright red, holding onto his arms as he licked at a hickey he'd left on me just last night. "I...I...don't know." I whispered in slight embarrassment, gently trailing my nails down his spine, making him arch himself into me. He grinned softly against my skin and flipped us over so that I was on him, our bodies sprawled beneath the blankets. "You're perfect." He murmured to me as I sat up, straddling his hips. I couldn't help but to grin, my heart pounding as I traced my fingertips over his flat stomach. "Thank you." I whispered. He and I were quiet for a while, just studying one another before I spoke, still tracing his stomach. "We should take a shower." I said gently.

Luke smiled and sat up with me still in his arms, slipping out of my bed with me. "Then I guess we should." He murmured.

After he and I showered, he quickly left to his room so my parents wouldn't find him in my room, while I began to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of light denim shorts that were slightly distressed before pulling on a black tank top with a maroon cardigan that had long sleeves. When I was dressed, I quickly put on a little deodorant and spritzed some perfume on, leaving my bedroom once I was dressed and done. Now dressed, I left my bedroom and walked downstairs, not surprised to find Luke sitting on the couch. Admittedly, though, I hadn't necessarily expected to see him with Anais, since I knew my parents were both home with each other. However, they were probably asleep still, being that it was only eight AM. Neither of them ever got up that early, so Luke must've decided that he was going to take care of her for the time being. He's so sweet with her.

I couldn't help but to smile softly at the sight of the two of them. Luke had her on his left knee, gently and carefully bouncing her as she giggled up at him and excitedly waved her hands around, a happy smile on her face. She giggled again and I stopped at the end of the stairs just to watch them, not yet having been noticed by Luke. I just couldn't stop myself from wanting to watch him. They were simply too cute.

Luke continued to bounce her gently on his knee with one arm around her from behind to ensure she wouldn't fall and the other hand was gently resting on her knee, a hand which she was currently smacking as she laughed gleefully while he cooed playfully at her. They were undeniably fucking adorable. It made me grin widely, walking down the stairs and into the living room. My presence made Luke look up at me and he grinned immediately, a look of happiness on his handsome face at the sight of my sudden presence. "Hey, pumpkin." He grinned happily, letting Anais even continue to smack at his arm relentlessly.

"Hi." I smiled, sitting down with him and Anais on the couch. He gave me a playful kick with his foot and I snickered, looking over at Ana as she reached out for me like she wanted me to hold her. Luke and I glanced at one another before looking down at Ana, who was still waving her arms at me hopefully.

He carefully handed her over to me and I smiled, cradling her tiny body in my arms as she cooed with affection. It seemed having her in my arms had certainly put her at ease, though she did continue to wave her arms at me slightly. I gently bounced her in my arms, looking up at Luke as he peered at me closely, a tiny smile on his lips. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought he liked the sight with her in my arms as I liked the sight of her in his arms.

"Has she eaten anything yet?" I asked him curiously, cocking my head to the side. He gently shook his head and ran a hand through his curls, standing up off of the couch. I tilted my head up to look at him, meeting his strong blue gaze. "No, not yet." He answered, giving me a simple shake of his head. "Do you want me to get something, so we can feed her?" He asked, curiously cocking up a brow at me.

When I gave him a nod of my head, Luke smiled at me with affection and then turned around, leaving the living room to head into the kitchen instead. He was only gone for about fifteen minutes or so before he came back into the living room, holding a small jar of baby food with a tiny baby spoon and a little bottle of baby formula milk.

I smiled up at him as he opened the jar of baby food and I sat her up on my knee, gently winding my arm around her midsection while he sat down beside me. With Ana's baby food, I held her sitting up while he fed her, since evidently he was able to feed her without any trouble from her at all. I used to not have too much trouble feeding her, but lately that had changed. She just didn't want to eat anything if I tried to feed her, but she would eat anything when it was coming from him.

While he fed her, I noticed he had a small smile on his face, like he was enjoying that he was able to feed her. He was so cute, how much he cared for her. I couldn't help but to smile softly, watching as he continued to feed her. And once she had eaten, he then handed her the bottle of milk, which she began to drink as she held it tightly in her tiny hands. His eyes flicked up to me, meeting mine, and I smiled gently.

Luke's lips pulled into a little smile that made me blush, and that just made him grin wider.

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