Chapter 1; yoongi

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I just laid by my great grandmother, Mekamika, as she told the story of not only our territory, but as well as the story of the other territories. Along with what happened with my brothers and sisters... Yes, they were killed, and I'm the only survivor of that attack. Well, the only pup of the alpha and luna that is. And along with that attack, I got 3 scars on my right hip, so every time that I look at myself in the moon pool, it just reminds me of the attack from when I was only 8 years old. And if your wondering, yes, I'm 17 years old, and, yes, I'm an omega. The rest of my siblings were either betas or alphas, and because of me being the only omega, it made me feel like I was weird and different and that I didn't belong, even though they tried to assure me that it was normal, especially mama and papa.
   "And that's why we are here today," said great grandmother with a warm smile as she faced all the pups staring at her in awe. "And as you can see, my great grandson is laying beside me, and if you have any questions, you can ask him, he doesn't bite." They soon came towards me and they asked me questions that mainly had to do with the attack. "Is it true that they attacked when you were eight?" "Is it true that you are the last and only child to survive?" But then there were some that mainly had to do with the past of our territory. "Is it true that we started in a forest?" "Is it true that your great grandfather was once from Peragrin?" "Yes, yes, yes, and yes," I replied, not wanting to be rude or disappoint the pups.
   "Um, excuse me, but can I use Yoongi for a moment?" Asked Jin, another omega, as well as my only friend in the pack. "Sure, I'll be there in a sec," I replied as I got up from my position and went out the nursery as I heard the pups whines, begging for me to stay longer. "What do you need?" I ask as we walk through the snow bank. "Your mama and papa wanted me to get you for something about your mate," he said as he kicked some snow out of his way. I immediately knew why they wanted to talk; they would only keep me away from him unless I have their and my own consent and if my mate isn't abusive or mean. Yep, you heard it right, he. I'm gay, but mama and papa don't care, as long as I'm happy and healthy, they're happy too.
   We soon made it to mama and papas home, as well as my own, and we saw our guard. He just let us in knowing what mama and papa wanted to talk about. "Good luck Yoonie," Jin whispered in my ear after I went into the large cabin. Here our cabin is seen as a luxury, while most others live in igloos for homes.
   "Mama, papa, you wanted to talk?" I said as I walked into the living room. "Yes sweetie, we hope that you don't mind," Said mama while looking down. "No, no, I don't mind, it's just that, I can take care of myself for my mate mama, why can't you or papa see that?" I ask as I look at them with sadness in my eyes. "Trust me son, I agree with you on that but your mother, well....." papa said while scratching the back of his neck. "Taba!" Exclaimed mama as she hit his chest not wanting him to say more. I just sighed as they started to argue as to what's best for me when it comes to my love life. This is going to be a long day.......

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