Chapter 2; Yoongi

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   I just walked closer to the barrier that's in between both DarkAge and Peragrins territory, since I was done 'talking' with mama and papa (which was very long and mainly had consisted of them arguing). I didn't have much else to do, Jin was busy handling something while everyone else is busy with what to do for the remaining day. Meanwhile, I had nothing to do. I just sighed as I got closer to the border, no one will want to hurt me, for those Peragrin adore us, with my great grandfather being from there. I just sat down when I was right on the border and looked at the blue sky above me. I guess I was so mesmerized that I didn't realize that someone was coming towards me.
*Jungkook's POV*
   I was just patrolling the area, mainly because I didn't want to be near Namjoon after what he did. "Stupid Namjoon," I mumbled as I kicked away some sand. I don't really want to think or talk about it at all, for even the thought of it just pisses me off. It might sound petty for a lot of people, yes, but I have the right to be angry at him for what he's done to me.
   As I walked closer to the border, I sensed someone by it, however I didn't recognize the sent. Even if I didn't recognize it, it smelled soooooo good, that I think I might be addicted to it now just by smelling it. The smell of blossoms covered in dew and with a hint pine tree, it smelled like an omega. I walked closer to the border, and as I hid behind a sand dune, I saw it. I saw him. MATE is the only thing that I hear my wolf shout once I saw him. With that being said, I decided to get closer to him, and let's just say that just by looking at him, I was cooing at how adorable he looked while looking the clear sky above him.
   He seemed to have heard me though, because he stopped looking at the sky and looked straight at me. But what I definitely find strange is that he didn't seem afraid, he just stared at me in confusion. I just cleared my throat as I took out my hand for him to shake. "Uh, hello there," I said with a small smile. It was quiet, but I did hear him say a small," hi" and shook my hand. "You're not my only mate, you do realize that, right?" He said quietly while looking at me. I just looked at him in disbelief, wait, WHAT?!

Sorry if I had to cut this off, I was planning to write more, but even with it being Winter break where I am, I'm still pretty busy with my life, as such this is kinda on a cliffhanger, so yea, sorry 😐

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