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Elizabeth went over to Archie. He was standing by one of the vending machines with Cheryl.

Jughead and Veronica quickly came to the lounge.

Elizabeth held her hand up and slapped Archie, leaving a mark on his face "Fuck you"-E "I didn't do shit"-A "Hm funny"-E "Betty what the hell"-J "Veronica would you like to tell Jughead what happened."-E

Veronica whispered what happened into Jughead's ear. He looked up at Archie then switched his gaze to Cheryl "What the-"J

Elizabeth then moved closer to cheryl. She was furious. She looked her up and down and sighed. She punched Cheryl then kicked her in the leg making her fall to the floor.

"Betty chill!"-J "One last thing. It's not that big a deal"-E

She smiled at Archie then kicked him the private.

The football boys quickly noticed what was going on and started to hurt Elizabeth. Jughead quickly went to Elizabeth and tried to help her out of the group. Veronica pulled her switchblade and pointed it at the boys. They moved away from Elizabeth. Not because of Veronica but because the principal had come by "Settle down!"-W

Elizabeth, on the floor. Jughead, trying to help her up. Veronica, holding up a switchblade, Cheryl, annoyed. Archie, sitting down in the corner. Everyone: frozen is their steps.

Everyone heard Weatherbee and paused "Get to class! NOW!"-W

Elizabeth's face was bloody. "C-can I go to the bathroom f-first"-E "No"-W "I-"-E "Can I go to my locker"-A "Fine"-W "BULLSHIT"-E

She stood up weakly "My face is so bloody, I'm not allowed to go to the bathroom, or the damn nurse but this fu- guy is allowed to go to his locker?!"-E "You earn the privilege of the nurse and the bathroom, but everyone has the privilege of going to their locker"-W "Kay I'm just gonna bleed all over your desk"-E

She walked off to class, Jughead followed, since they had this class together. "Are you ok?"-J "Barley"-E "You should go to the bathroom to at least wash up"-J "Yeah. But it's a "privilege" ugh I hate him"-E

He stoped and Elizabeth did too. He wiped her cheek to get off a little bit of blood. He kissed her then hugged her "I'll meet you back in class ok?"-J "Ok"-E
She said with a smile.

She went into the bathroom and washed off as much as she could. "God I look rough"-E she said into the mirror.

She sighed and walked to class. The bell had already rung a little while ago. The whole class looked at her as she walked. She sat down in her usual spot, next to Jughead.

"We're doing a worksheet."-J he whispered to Elizabeth. She nodded back.

"Elizabeth Smith,Veronica Lodge,Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, and Cheryl Blossom. Please report to the front office."

Elizabeth looked at Jughead. She picked up her backpack and left.

Elizabeth crossed her arms and went to the corner of weatherbees office. Veronica stood next to her. Archie and Cheryl sat in the chairs in front of Weatherbee. Jughead stood next to Elizabeth.

"First of all before we start discussing everything, I'll need to be contact a parent, which parent would you all like me to contact?"-W

"My mom, Mary Andrews"-A "Penelope"-C "My dad"-J

Elizabeth and Veronica both looked at each other with worried looks. "So.. we have a problem"-E "What now?"-W "We're both emancipated.. and my mom is probably drunk on the side of the road. My dad.. gone.. Um Veronica's mom is New York with her boyfriend. And her"-E

Weatherbee looked shocked "I-I did not know this.. Is there anyone else I could contact about this issue?"-W Veronica shook her head

"I mean you could call Jughead's dad.. he knows me.. And he might be able to get in contact with my mom but I bet she wouldn't care about me and wouldn't answer to FP- I mean Forsythe"-E "Lets just move on from that we can discuss that later"-W

"Why did you attack Archie and Cheryl, Elizabeth"-W "Well because Archie made it very clear to Ronnie he liked her. But then he makes out with Cheryl in the hall. So when Ronnie wanted to figure out if Archie and her wanted to go on a date. But nooo he was here with this whor- girl instead"-E "That doesn't explain the fight"-W "I wanted payback. She's one of the only people who I have, who cares for me. She's like my sister. So if you hurt my sister I hurt you"-E

"Jughead, why did you get involved, you're a straight A student I have not seen this behavior from you"-W "First of all, get your facts straight, I didn't get involved. What I did is try and help my bloody, hurt, beat up, girlfriend out of the mess. She just wanted a little payback, then all the football guys got involved and started to beat her up."-J

Archie looked down at the floor and fiddled with a rubber band in his hands. "Archie would you like to say a anything?"-W "Theres nothing for me to say."-A

Cheryl glared at Archie. "Veronica, you had a knife on school property, why?"-W "To defend myself, serpents get hurt all the time, people hate us for no damn reason, so to protect ourselves we keep something on us"-V

Weatherbee sighed "I'll have to suspend you."-W "Wha-"-V "Veronica, Elizabeth, week suspension"-W "Make them suffer with in school suspension for like a year."-C

Cheryl put a piece of gum in her mouth and obnoxiously chewed.

"Well then.. two weeks in school suspension for you cheryl"-W "What!"-C "Archie, one week of suspension"-W

They all stood there in silence. "Ok off to your last class"-W

They all left. "Suspension in the first week of being here"-E "A fight in the first week of being here"-V

"I don't wanna be here. I'm just gonna leave"-E "But we still have an hour left of school"-J "Actually I'm with E on this one. Lets go"-V

They walked towards the door, Jughead went back to class.

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