What could go worse

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Todays school, sadly. It's almost summer so that's sorta good news. I got breakfast and put on my clothes I grabbed my serpent jacket and left. I knew I wasn't allowed to wear the jacket but who cares that Weatherbee bitch probably already forgot about my mishap.

I rode to school on my bike. I walked inside and went through my classes. Before lunch I stopped at my locker to get my books for the next class. I saw Veronica, I was going to say hi but she was with Cheryl and her vixens.

Veronica was wearing a vixen uniform and laughing with Cheryl "Veronica!"-E

Veronica looked at Cheryl then stopped. "Hey. I didn't see you all day where were you?"-E "Oh I'm I was just out, ya know"-V "And what's this"-E

I said after looking at her outfit "It's the vixen cheerleading outfit"-V "you joined them?"-E "Yeah..?"-V "Veronica.. I know your like a person who doesn't really stick to one thing but I feel like if you ditch the jacket or ditch the lifestyle then.. your going to go full northsider"-E "Your just overreacting. Let me live"-V

Veronica walked off back to Cheryl and they walked off together. The other vixens had left the two alone.

Elizabeth sighed and put her backpack back on. She walked to the cafeteria and sat down at her usual table.

I got out my lunch and started to eat.
"Never got a kiss from you"-S

She looked up and rolled her eyes. Sweetpea sat in front of her. "Listen, my day isn't going the best so I don't want to add having to take care of an asshole part of it"-E

"Oh cmon.. I saw the way you looked at me the other night."-S "Sweetpea. You were definitely on something or drunk you probably saw just me looking at you disgusted and added with drugs or alcohol makes some weird fucked up thing in your fucked up mind"-E

He reached out to grab her hand but she moved them into her lap. "How bout I give you 10 dollars for you to go into the janitors closet with me"-S "Bribing me with money to have sex with you. No. You'd have to pay me all the money in the world to even go near that closet with your disgusting ass"-E "It's cute when your angry"-S "Heres the deal. You get the fuck out of her and I won't take my nice and sharp switchblade won't even touch you."-E

He got up and left. Elizabeth looked down at her hands and noticing she was clenching her fists so hard that she cut into her skin with her nails. She was bleeding so she walked up and got a tissue and wiped her hands.

In her next class all she could think about was where is Jughead.

All of sudden over the PA system Weatherbee spoke
Elizabeth smith please report to the principals office. Elizabeth Smith to the principals office

And I thought my day couldn't get worse. I walked up and left.

I walked in the principals office and Reggie, Toni, and Sweetpea stood in front of Weatherbees desk.

"Ms.Smith there has been a lot of accusations of things you did against you. First Sweetpea brought to my attention that you have a switchblade on you and use it to threaten innocent people. Reggie has said you stole a diamond ring out of his locker. I see that you aren't wearing the right uniform-"-W

He kept going on but I noticed I was doing the thing with my hands again. "So Ms.smith I'll have to check your locker and backpack"-W

Serpent Queen a Bughead story- Finished-Where stories live. Discover now