Things Happen For A Reason

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      The bell rang waking me from my dreadful daydreaming.  I jump from my seat like I had ants in my pants and walked so fast from the room that I was practically running. I wanted Jules so she could  make the thoughts go away.  I ran to her last hour class and waited by the door until I seen her. The way she looked at me and smiled touched my heart. I couldn't help myself but to grab her by the waist and pull her to my lips.
      "Baby are you okay?," Jules ask me after I kiss her softly.
      "Yes ma'am," I answer. "I just needed to see you, Love. Felt like I been away from you forever. I guess it was because I was sleep." I look her in the eyes and kiss her again but with more passion than anytime before. She smiles again and her eyes grew bright with love and joy. "Are you ready to go bae?"
      "Yes. Can I drive this time?"
      "Yes but once we away from all the traffic and more near the country or the park."
      "Yay. Don't tell mom because she will freak if she heard I been driving. She told me I can't drive until I'm 18 which is ridiculous. I have a permit and I'm a few months away from 17."
      "Okay Jules I won't tell. My lips are sealed."
      "I love you so much." She smiled her big smile she do when she wanna look like a little kid. It always made me smile to and it tickles me just to see her do it.
      "I love you, too, Baby Girl." I smile back at her and pull her to my lips for a kiss.
      "Let's go, Lover," she says in her cute baby voice that made my heart flutter.
      "Okay. Can we go to the lake later today bae?"
      "Yes if you want to go." 
      "Yay!" She smiles back at me as we walk from the school to the parking lot. I watch her half skip half walk to the car. She looks so elegant and gracious. Each step so looks like she doesn't even touch the ground. She amazes me sometimes because when I begin to think she levitates she trips and that's exactly what had happened.
       "Bae!" she screams to me and  I dash to her.
       "Baby Girl, are you okay? You took a pretty nasty fall there."

     "I don't know. My Knee. It hurts, Daddy." Just then I looked into them green eyes and truly seen her. I seen how she wanted me so badly to make the hurt stop and how she believed only I could just do it like any little kid would do their dad so I kissed her knee and hoped the pain was gone.
       "Did, Daddy, make it feel better?"
       "Yes," she poked her lips out and looked at her knee bleed and tears welled up in her eye.
       "No, ma'am. You will not cry." I picked her up off the ground and carried her the rest of the way to the car. " You a soldier today ma'am."
        "Otay." I put her in the car and then closed the door. Then walked to the other side. I got in and started on our way out to the county side where I lived in this old English style cottage connected to a Swedish style mansion.
       I lived on a manor. It was nice. People say I'm rich i just say my family inherited it which we did because to be honest me and my mom is flat broke other than the money we have saved up just in case of an emergency. We don't know how much is in the account we requested never for it to be told until I'm in my near thirties. That will be forever.

       When we pulled into the drive way of my house I look over at Juliet and she was sound asleep. I never even noticed she fell asleep. I was lost in my own world again. I brushed her hair out her face with my hand and took in the sight of such a beautiful woman. The beauty that holds my soul and makes my heart honest. I got out the car and walked to the passenger side door. I opened it tryin my best to be quiet. She jolts to life and look over at me.
       "Hi, Lover. Why didn't you wake me up."
       "I didn't want to wake up my Sleeping Beauty. You looked so peaceful. I was just about to carry you inside."
       "Well since you said that you still can. I'll act like I'm sleep again," she turns her head and fake snore. All I could do was smile and try not to smile. I played along and picked her up in my arms. I cradled her like a baby. I kicked the door shut and hit the lock button on the key car key, then started for the door.
       The door flung open before I could unlock it myself. I gasped a little then tried to straighten up when I noticed it was only Josh. Josh was my best friend since forever. I don't remember a time where we wasn't friends. Josh used to be a girlie girl though but now she a stud. Her real name isn't Josh though. Its Joshinque. It's kind of a ghetto name but thats her name. I always called her Josh and now she just go by that. 

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