2. Calla

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I was walking down the corridor of the school when I felt someone's arm on my shoulder.

"Hey Dahlia, what's the rush?" a friend of mine, Nicolette, asked.

Nicolette was one of those humans who were totally oblivious to the supernatural world. For her, vampires, witches, werewolves, demons and angels existed only in stories. If only she knew how true some of those stories were.

"Nothing. How have you been? I haven't seen you for a few days, have you even been to school?" I didn't want to tell her that I was searching for Natasha because she would ask a lot of questions, so I quickly changed the direction of the conversation.

"No, I was sick, I had to stay home. But now I'm here, better than ever," she said with a bright smile.

"Oh, I'm glad you're better."

"Thanks, I have to get to my classes now, but I'll see you later," she smiled and disappeared in the crowd of students.

What's wrong with me? I haven't even noticed my friend's absence. 

When I turned around, ready to get to my own classes after I decided I would search for Natasha later, I caught sight of familiar blonde hair. It was Natasha, she was talking to a guy and smiling. I slowly approached her.

Is she that good at pretending that everything's dandy or did she just hit her head on a tree yesterday when she was trashing around?

"Hey Natasha. Are you feeling okay?" I asked, a hint of worry making it's way in my voice.

"Yeah, I'm awesome. Are you asking because I drank that much at Callum's party yesterday? Please tell me I didn't do something to embarrass myself," she said with a laugh.

Callum's party? Doesn't she remember anything from the woods?

"You didn't do anything," I fake smiled. Something wasn't right. I am hundred percent sure the girl in the woods was her.

"Thank God. I just remember that I drank a lot, everything after that is very hazy," she said, sighing like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

My classes passed by in a blur and before I knew I was heading home to leave my bag there and change my clothes. I was going to meet up with one of my only witch friends, Calla. Calla lived in the neighbouring town and was also a dark witch like me.

The other kind of witches are the light witches. The light witches belong to covens, have their elders, do magic only when allowed, when they are allowed they use it for the greater good and so on. They usually channel magic from something, because they think that using their own power is dangerous. The dark witches unlike them, just use their own magic. We can also channel something if needed for a bigger spell, but we don't do it for every single spell. Oh, and dark witches also have more fun. At the mention of the dark and light witches I remembered a page I read in my mother's diary.

Many years ago the separation on light and dark witches didn't exist. We were all just witches. But then the Great War started. The main participants of the war were actually vampires and werewolves. The Kingdom of the Witches was split up in two parts and the rulers were two sisters, twins. The East part was ruled by Queen Meryem and the West part by Queen Anthea. When the war started both parts were neutral, and so were the angels and demons. But halfway through the war Queen Meryem sided with the vampires with a burning desire to destroy the werewolves and her sister. You are probably asking yourselves ' Why would she do that?' The answer is out of jealousy. Queen Meryem was jealous of her sister because Queen Anthea and the Werewolf Prince were in love. Meryem had her eyes on the Prince since always, but he liked her sister, Anthea. Out of rage Meryem decided she would go against the both of them. When Anthea heard that her sister sided with the vampires, she decided she would side with the werewolves. Anthea made a plan in which they would draw strength from the Moon Goddess and help the werewolves like that. Soon, Meryem caught up with what her sister was doing and started doing the same with the Sun God. The story about the sun weakening or killing vampires is a lie. It actually strengthens them. The whole war ended in a huge massacre and resulted in all the witches losing their powers because the Gods thought they were misusing them. Then weird things started happening. The newborn witches started getting their powers from the Sun God or the Moon Goddess, depending which one of them deemed them worth for fighting on their side if a war ever broke out again. So like that, light witches serve the Sun God and dark witches serve the Moon Goddess.

While I was thinking about what I read in my mother's diary I arrived at Calla's house. I was standing in front of Calla's doorstep and just as I was about to knock on her door she opened it.

"You knew I was coming?" I asked with a smile.

"I always know when you'll bring your lazy ass here," she smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"Are we going somewhere, or are you home alone?" I asked after we broke free from the hug. The thing is that Calla's parents don't like me. They are both light witches and aren't too happy that their daughter hangs out with a dark witch, even though she is one. 

You see, if your parents are one kind of witches doesn't mean you can't be the other. You just become the witch gene. It isn't designated which one you'll be, that's decided by the Moon Goddess or Sun God when you're born. In Calla's case she was chosen by the Moon Goddess. It's a rarity that you aren't the same kind of witches as your parents, but it still happens.

"My dad's home, so we better go to the cafe."


Happy New Year people! :D

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