4.Wolfy in The House

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I stepped to the side, moving from the shelter I had behind Curly.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I piped in the conversation.

The blond boy turned to me now.

"I'm sorry that I stepped in your property, but I chased a demon here. I don't know why, but he turned over your whole house. I think he was searching for something," said Blondie while glaring at Curly. 

He was searching for something? Didn't Curly say he wanted to kill me?

"And why the hell should we trust you or believe you?" Curly practically snarled at him.

"Why else would I be here?" said Blondie with an equal voice.

"I don't know. Maybe you work together with the demon and it's you who turned over the whole house."

"Curly! Blondie! Stop glaring daggers at each other! You're behaving like kids!" I snapped at them.

"Curly? Blondie?" asked Blondie, completely clueless that I gave them nicknames because they didn't have the decency to introduce themselves. Or didn't want to introduce themselves in one case.

"Yes. I don't know your names so I gave you nicknames," I answered. Curly just quietly snickered.

"My name is Max," he said and outstretched his hand. I took it and shook it. Oh look, that rhymes.

"I'm Dahlia. And thank you for having the decency to introduce yourself." I smiled while giving Curly a pointed look. 

"Alright, alright. And why did you follow the demon here?" asked Curly probably being a little skeptic and impatient. 

You didn't have to be someone special to see that Curly still didn't like Max. By the way he was looking at him, I would say that he was imagining how to kill him. And he already had a whole list how to do it. I would add a few things myself, but I liked Max for now so that wasn't an option. I admit I have a colorful mind when it comes to things like that. I should write those things down.

"I followed him here because he killed one of my pack members," answered Max.

"You're a wolf?" I asked.

"Can't you smell wet dog?" asked Curly, completely rudely may I add. It's like that boy's made of rudeness and sarcasm. Oh, well, who am I to judge?

 Max's eyes started getting darker and I knew that when a werewolf's eyes started changing colors wasn't a good thing.

"What did you say?" asked Max, his voice laced with venom.

"I think you heard me," said Curly with that stupid little smirk of his.

"Stop it right now if you don't want me to rip both of your heads out," I snapped at them.

Max's eyes slowly returned to their normal color and Curly didn't have that annoying smirk on his face anymore.

"Alright, I'll be polite, but don't expect me to be best friends with him, or even friends for that matter," said Curly while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I didn't expect you to be friends with him, I know that's impossible. Because, let's be honest, who want's to be friends with you?" I said in a sickly sweet tone.

He only laughed and shook his head while Max said something in the lines of 'Me surely not'.

"I have to go," said Max suddenly.

"Okay, bye," I said and escorted Max to the door.

When I returned Curly was nowhere to be found.

Curly's P.O.V.

I super-sped in front of the house and hid in the shadow of a tree. Max was a few steps away from the front door when he took out a phone and called someone. Using my heightened hearing I listened in.

"Yes Tam, your sister is alright. It's actually funny how you look almost the same. I think that the only difference is your eyes."

Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what was said at the other side.

"There was a demon, but he escaped before I could kill him. Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her."

Is he talking about Dahlia? She has a sister? That can't be true. They would tell me that when I was given this task.

"I'll come home soon. Bye."

Before I knew it he ended the phone call and started walking to the forest. All of a sudden he stopped and started looking around for something.

Shit, I thought, I haven't masked my scent. 

I quickly masked my scent and practically became invisible. He stopped looking around and walked further into the forest. 

That was close.

I couldn't see Max anymore so I decided to step out of the shadows. I sped to the tree who's branches were the closest to Dahlia's bedroom window. I quickly climbed the tree and swung to the window. Fortunately it was wide open so it wasn't hard to get in. 

Dahlia was already sleeping in her bed. I smiled at the scene. She looked gorgeous. 

God, why am I so creepy? I am watching a girl while she sleeps. But then again, I was given the task to keep her safe at all costs.

Well, she's save. Meaning I can go now.

I walked out through the window the same way I came in. I closed the window after me. She could get a cold, or worse, unwanted visitors. 

Dahlia's P.O.V. (Normal P.O.V.)

After Curly and Max left I went to bed and almost instantly fell asleep. I dreamt a weird dream.

I looked at myself. I was wearing a black beautiful gown. Before me was a beautiful woman who looked like she was in her late twenties. She was very pale, almost like the moon, and had long black hair, as dark as the night. I looked around us and realized we were in a forest. 

"You're not a dark witch, my child," she said in a motherly tone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her confused.

"You're the daughter of the Sun and the Moon. Your purpose is to bring peace between all the kinds, to end the war that started with the sisters but never ended. You're not a dark witch, nor a light witch. You are the child that was reborn. The child that would bring peace to all."

Before I could ask more, she disappeared.

The moment she disappeared, the dream ended. I woke up all sweaty and looked at my mobile for the time. It read 6 a.m.

I knew I wouldn't fall asleep again so I just gave up and stood up. The first thing I noticed was that the window was closed although I could've sworn I left it open. That's weird. I didn't want to worry so I just ignored it and didn't pay any more attention to it.

Today was the worst day of all, Monday, which meant I had school. Since any attempt to stay at home was futile, I decided to take a extra long shower and then get ready for the day.

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