Chapter 1 Ruby Andromeda

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This is my first story ever (also my third attempt to put it on here), so I'm open to criticism. Most of this comes from my imagination, but some stuff I take some inspiration for. Hopefully you like it, enjoy.

Italics indicate thinking. Bold indicates telepathy and anything of the sort. Both is for emphasis.


     A soft and long yawn broke the silence of a dense forest. As if a light switch flicked on, the forest began to beam with life. A maroon bird landed atop a branch, its sharp beak poking at someone resting within the autumnal leaves. . .
     "H-Hey. . . Easy there, birdie." The voice of a young girl echoed across the world, the Aether. The bird flew off as the child rolled over and let gravity pull her to the ground, her red boots crushing the sharp grass as she landed. Dark and baggy pants covered her legs, a shirt that was a tad too small hugged her torso, and a deep red cloak enveloped her entire body. Her soft and pale skin shivered with the cool breeze, the girl hugging herself after putting on her red hood. "Geez. . . It's a bit chilly, isn't it?" She asked herself as she began to venture to the edge of the woods. . .
     The Aether got louder with every step she took, it's beauty magnifying with every breath she took. The sun's rays shined upon her as she emerged from the orange, reds, and yellows of the forest. . .
     On the horizon was a lively, bustling city. Andria City.


     The thirteen year old received a rather uncomfortable amount of strange looks from the citizens of Andria, a good number of them asking her if she was okay. She supposed that it was a bit weird that her clothes were all torn and tattered. . .
     "I guess I should go get some new clothes once I join a faction. . ." She muttered.
The Aether was a planet split into five pieces, the North, East, South, West, and Central Continents. Governing the first two of those as well as the last, were the Divine, and their factions.
     After wandering for quite some time, the girl had lost count of how long it'd been since she arrived, she found herself standing before a behemoth of a building. . . or two? Tilting her head, the red-hooded child analyzed the structure before her. It was entirely fenced and gated, with two large buildings in the middle. One was obviously a mansion of some kind, but the other eluded her guesses, her best being a sort of museum. What also threw her for a loop was the ridiculous design of the mansion. It looked medieval, modern, and futuristic all at once. . .
     It wasn't until she read the large "HESTIA HOUSE" written in gold over the gates. . .
     "It's a faction!" The child cheered, her legs carrying her forward where she pushed through the gates. A strong breeze then blew against her, blowing away her hood as she walked the silver stone path to the entrance. . .
Maroon hair flowed from her head, just barely reaching her neck. A few black streaks in her bangs beautifully accented the glistening maroon eyes that belonged to Ruby Andromeda.
     The child reached the large double doors, easily dwarfing her in height, and took a moment to breath. It took her a moment to gather the courage to knock, her small hand rising up and gently banging on the door thrice. . .
     The second she stood idly, waiting for answer, felt like hours. . . When the door opened, Ruby Andromeda's fate had been forever changed. . . .


     The Divine led factions, each god sworn to benefit the lives of all mortals and followed by those they took into their own care. . . The faction that Ruby Andromeda had stumbled into belonged to the Goddess Hestia.
     Standing before her, was Hestia IV. Everything about the stunningly beautiful woman was welcoming. Her dark, yet colorful dress, the caring gaze of her burning orange eyes, the soft flow of her infinitely curling black hair, the glow of her slightly tanned skin, the angle of her round and soft face, the glistening of her lips and smile, and even the way she stood was soothing in an odd way.
     "Hey there, kid! We're not gathering today, did you need something. . .?" Hestia asked in a apologetic tone, even her voice comforting the child at its perfect pitch.
     "Oh, I. . . Um, I can come back tomorrow. . ." Ruby replied shyly, unsure of how to proceed. The Goddess' eyes narrowed for just a moment, before her maternal instincts ignited into a brilliant flame. . .
     "Oh, no! Come on in, I can make an exception." She said quickly before fully opening the doors and ushering Ruby inside. The redhead was taken aback but just how. . . homey it felt to be inside the Hestia Faction Building. Everything felt like just, one really big house. . .
     "Um, thank you. . . Miss. . ." They seated themselves across from each other on the couches within the large living room.
     "It's Hestia-" at that, Ruby's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates.
     "Y-You're the GODDESS?!?!?" The girl shrieked in surprise, the divine being laughing at her shock.
     "That's me." Hestia smiled at the thirteen year old, who mustered up all her courage and bowed!
     "P-Please. . . Let me join- Let me join your faction!" Ruby Andromeda begged with every ounce of her heart and soul. . .
     ". . . . . I can't let you join if I don't even know your name, silly." The raven haired woman laughed again as the girl blushed in embarrassment.
     "R-Right. . ." The maroonette felt her nerves begin the light ablaze, fear beginning to takeover her being. . . but before it could reach her heart, a cold hand found itself on her shoulder, snapping her out of her moment of panic. . .
     "Breathe." The voice of a young man pulled her from the brink, both Hestia and Ruby glancing to the source. . .
     There stood a young boy, dressed in a lot of black. Dark boots, form fitting pants, and a long, knee length jacket covered his body. Every article was lined with bright blue, rising up his boots all to way to his long collar. Wild, gravity defying, black hair with light blue highlights rested atop his head, contrasting with his very pale skin. . . Shining blue irises locked with Ruby Andromeda's deep red.
     "I'm. . . I'm Ruby Andromeda." She introduced herself quietly, enamored with the boy standing behind her.
     ". . . Ruby. . . Andromeda." Hestia recited the name in her head time and time again while the two children gazed into one another's soul.
     Wordlessly, the boy released her shoulder and quietly excused himself.
     "Who. . . Who was that?" Ruby asked.
     "That. . . was Jason Rose." The Goddess answered, her face stricken with sorrow, going unnoticed by Ruby, who's eyes kept following the retreating form of dark haired boy. . .
     "He's. . . The Shining Dawn. . . ."


     Hestia IV and Ruby Andromeda stood atop a metallic platform, workout and training equipment lining the walls. One wall was just a collection of weapons of every sort. . .
     "Um. . . Why are we in here, Ms. Hestia?" Ruby wondered cluelessly.
     "For your entrance exam, kiddo!" Hestia smirked mischievously. "And just Hestia is fine. You can call my daughter Hesty." The Goddess raised a hand, and in a flash of light. . . appeared a golden spear. "To get into my faction, you just have to hit me once." The girl blanched, shivering in worry.
     "I-I'm not really all that strong though. . ." The redhead replied fearfully, only for Hestia's gaze to zero in on her.
     "You won't know until you try. . ." Those words alone seemed to do the trick, the young girl taking a deep breath and resolving herself to try her best.
     "Okay. . . I'm ready!" Ruby donned a sloppy stance, but the Goddess could tell that her power was rising. With a small smile, she twirled her spear single-handedly and yelled!
     "Celestial Clone. . . Comet Speed!" The redhead sang the words as an ethereal essence embraced her, rising from the depths of her soul and spirit! A green glow covered her, breaking off and forming a viridian outline of herself. . . A clone! "Go!" The clone dashed forth, moving insanely quickly! It leaped into the air and kicked at the goddess, who ducked at the last minute, letting the outline fly over her! The clone spun onto the wall, kicking off it and diving for Hestia! The woman smirked as her orange eyes glistened. . . She turned and bat the clone with her spear, splitting it in two! The essence that created it dispersed into the air as the Goddess felt a presence behind her! With a roar, Ruby thrusted her fist towards her opponent from behind, the woman cartwheeling away at the last moment!
     Ruby traced her movements, kicking off the ground and unleashing a flurry of attacks! Punches, kicks, grabs, thrown more with quantity than quality in mind! Hestia didn't even break a sweat while dodging each and every single one, backpedaling as she did! Suddenly, Ruby threw a heavy left hook, her knuckles clashing with Hestia's spear!
     "Not bad." The Goddess acknowledged as Ruby began to glow a bright orange. . . "Oh?"
     "Celestial Clone, Star Power!" The redhead chanted, a bright orange outline of herself appeared above Hestia! The ravennette hopped back as the clone's fist plunged down, hitting the ground and creating a spiderweb fracture in the training room floor! The two Rubys charged together, attacking in unison! Once again, the Goddess effortlessly avoided everything the girl had to throw at her. . . Then, with a single swing of her spear, she destroyed the power clone! Ruby gasped as Hestia twirled and slammed the rear end of the spear into her face, flipping the redhead onto the ground. . .! "Agh!"
     "It was a good attempt, kiddo. Want to try again-" the girl on the ground dissipated into a silver mist midway through the woman's words!
     "Celestial Clone, Doris Decoy!" Ruby brought her hands together as she appeared above Hestia, sledgehammering her combined fists down onto the woman's head. . . only for a fist to dig into her gut! The redhead's mouth gaped open as the air was forcefully pushed from her lungs. . .! The girl landed on her back, scrunching up in agony. . .
     "Stay down. I don't want to hit you again." Hestia advised as she banged her spear against the ground, her divine pressure pressing down on the child. . . only for her to rise to one knee and push herself off the ground, Ruby Andromeda standing tall. . .
     "I can't. . ." She declared as she prepared to attack once more. The Goddess of the Hestia Faction chuckled as she let her spear vanish into thin air. . .
     "So you won't give up, huh? If that's the case. . . Then, welcome to my faction." A few moments passed before Ruby began jumping with joy!
     "Yes! Yes! YES! I'M IN A FACTION!" The redhead cheered with infectious happiness and excitement! Her mouth closed before she spread her lips into a smile, a beaming smile that was absolutely beautiful. Hestia had already began planning just about everything her new child would need to live happily. . .
     ". . . I wish I'd found her sooner, Diamond."

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