Chapter 23 The Drain

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     The falling rain was accompanied by sparks, heat streaking onto the meadows near Andria City as metal ground together. The silver saber thrusted forth thrice, the azure longsword deflecting each strike before it scraped the grass on its way up to the sky. The shadow found itself skidding backwards, but the Shining Dawn didn't relent, dashing to his target and cleaving down with his blade. The black steel edge split the air as the enemy swordsman swayed aside, bringing his saber across the side of the longsword and flicking the end forward. Dawn tilted his body aside, narrowly avoiding the slash as he reversed his grip and initiated a sideways slash, his opponent bending over and stabbing at the boy's chest. The longsword quickly twirled in Dawn's grasp, parrying the attack and throwing the shadow off balance.
     The Element of Chaos just barely managed to raise his guard, the member of Hestia brining his sword down upon the saber with such force that the ground beneath them gave way and broke open. As the field crumbled, they put distance between themselves, brilliant blue irises meeting ominous green.
     "There are few dedicated swordsman left in this world. And fewer of sufficient skill." A raspy, almost snake-like voice declared as the shadow eyed the blue blade.
     "Let me guess. We're in the latter camp?" Jason Rose scoffed, sending the Element a chilling glare as the downpour beat against his flowing jacket like a drum.
     "Precisely. Unlike the other fools on this planet, we've gone beyond and trained ourselves in the art of the blade. While they've grown weak, cowering behind their gods, we've grown strong. . ." Ghoul of the Elements of Chaos monologued as he sent Jason a chilling smile. Droplets shattered as they hit the thick, black padding over his torso. Loose fitting, silver pants rose up his body from the black boots on his feet, ending just above his waist where a black undersuit arose, stretching to just below his shoulders. Fingerless silver gloves were filled by pale white hands, tightly grasping onto the curved hilt of the silver saber. The swordsman had neatly trimmed black hair, the sides of his head striped with silver. His eerie green eyes were the only things that seemed out of place compared to the rest of his appearance. . .
     "And why exactly should I care about a single thing you say?" Dawn asked, his cerulean aura flaring with anger.
     "Because. You have potential!" Ghoul cried, his mask of elegance replaced by an unhinged smile as he launched himself across the field. Jason braced himself, the soft ringing of the rain pelting his blade as the soaked grass and aging leaves crunched beneath Ghoul's feet.
     The Shining Dawn dashed and slashed, a streak of blue racing past the Element of Chaos and splitting in him too. . . so he thought.
     "Too clean, he wasn't real!" The ravennette whirled, eyes widening as Ghoul vanished into thin air. Suddenly, pain pulsated through his body, his jacket tearing to the left of his abdomen. The Element rematerialized behind Jason as the boy fell to one knee, the rain washing the red from the saber. The Demon Slayer processed the shock, and then grit his teeth, pushing himself from the ground.
     "Any normal person would've died from an attack like that. You are different." Ghoul laughed as Jason bore into his soul. . .
     "And you're the same as the rest, just a coward who thinks he's strong because he can hurt children." The young man smiled as his enemy adopted a scowl, as if the words were a punch in the face. Jason Rose took a deep breath and steadied himself, the pain in his side fading as he began to shine. "You wanted to see potential. I'll show you potential."

     A wave of pink crystals tumbled towards the outskirts of Andria, the streets of the suburbs stained pink and riddled with shards. The Element of Chaos roared from within the construct, the crystals shattering as he emerged from their core.
     "You cocky brat!" A gruff voice shouted, the Shadow gasping as a streak of hot pink flashed into place in front of him.
     "You don't even look that much older than me!" Neo yelled as she thrusted her fist into his gut, sending him flying down the road! "Crystal Storm!" She chanted, a nimbus cloud materializing behind her and unleashing a hail of crystalline shards! The Shadow erected a barrier with his Spirit Dust, but one lucky crystal scraped his left cheek before it fully formed. The hail pelted the dome and reflected every which way, Neo flying alongside her shards before punching the barrier. The Spirit Dust exploded as the sheer force sent the Element recoiling, Neo grinning as her own Spirit Dust surged forth. At the swipe of her arm, the hot pink essence crystallized! The massive construct slammed into the Shadow and sent him tumbling down the street.
     "This girl is ridiculous!" Boone groaned as he rose from the cracked pavement, deep yellow eyes meeting his enemy's bright pink. The rain soaked his cloak, the left side white and torn, while the right was black and pristine. Beneath it was silver body-armor, a revolver strapped to his hip, a coin pinned to his chest, and two dice hanging from his neck. His hair was an amalgamation of black and white curls and waves, a terrible case of bed-head. Everything about his appearance was. . . random to say the least.
     "You had enough yet?" The pinkette asked confidently, smirk etched onto her face.
     "We'll see who's asking that question in a second. . ." Reaching into his cloak, the Element of Chaos whipped out the revolver, Neo's eyes widening as he aimed and pulled the trigger. . . only for the hammer to pathetically click. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!"
     "Ha!" The girl cheered as she dashed forth, leaving behind a trail of pink as she reeled her fist back! Boone pressed his thumbs onto the small piece of metal and pushed, the cylinder churning to the next chamber. Instincts began to shriek, and Neo threw herself aside, the bullet grazing her cheek and drilling into the wall of crystals she'd made earlier. A deadly explosion of Spirit Dust shattered the construct, crystals flying like shrapnel as Neo caught herself on a street light. . .
     "Second time's the charm, it seems." The Shadow adopted a grin of his own as he turned to face the Crystal Rose, yellow eyes glowing under the rain. "You got lucky."
     "More like you can't aim." The young woman quipped, her hot pink aura flaring as she suddenly appeared behind him. Neo's leg slammed into his body, Boone crashing through a metal fence and then the walls of a school!
     The deafening ringing of the school's alarms filled the man's ears as he arose from the rubble, the downpour of rain somehow overpowering even it.
     "Damn kid. . . It'll take more than that to beat me." Boone declared as the Crystal Rose flashed into place just outside the school. The voice of Neo Rose managed to surpass all else.
     "And it'll take more than luck to beat me."

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