Chapter 30 Burnin' Brawl!

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     "What next?! What happened next?!" Ruby asked excitedly, the Angel of Hestia basking in the attention for a moment before continuing the story.
     "Heheh! They didn't even see me coming! The next second they were kissing the dirt!" Haru laughed heartily, pointedly ignoring the glares sent her way from the subjects of her tale.
     "You intervened in a sanctioned duel!" Blue exclaimed angrily, accusingly pointing at the blonde from across the porch.
     "Technically, I was just establishing Team Alpha's dominance." The Angel Slayer thumbed at the black 'A' on her shirt, arrogantly leaning back on the bench.
     "I'm not even on a team!" Neo yelled, her annoyance quickly shifting to amusement as she sent the bluenette a smirk. "Not that I need one to beat him."
     "You know what?! Enough of this Team Beta Slander!" As if on command, both Barbara and Ren suddenly appeared behind their leader in a flash of light! "Let's run that duel back!" The HardLight User demanded.
     "You sure about this?" The pinkette wondered, smugly placing a hand on her hip. "I won't be going easy on you."
     "Oh yeah! It's time for Team Beta to bring the Crystal Rose off her pedestal!" Barbara exclaimed. The three members of Team Beta confidently made their stand, to which Neo just laughed.
     "Alright, I'll indulge you idiots. No spells though." Crystal decided, "ah-ah!" yelling to cut off her opponents' objections to her rule. "If you mess up my yard, I'm going to bury you." She said grimly, Beta shivering in unison.
     "Well, if you guys are serious about this. I guess I can proctor." Haru spoke up, rising from her seat. Both sides stared at her blankly. "Ugh. I promise I will not interrupt up the fight." They kept on staring, a tic-mark appearing on the blonde's forehead. "I swear on the Goddess I will not interrupt the fight." All four fighters let out a sigh of relief.
     "Wow. . . They're all still stupid." Ruby mumbled as they marched out into Terra Florum. . . .

     "When did Blue get the balls?" Mei asked bluntly, leaning on the porch fence.
     "With all due respect, Blue's never been lacking in courage." Julie remarked. Team Beta Vs The Crystal Rose received quite the audience, the members of Hestia getting comfortable on the front porch as the day's entertainment prepared for their match.
     "Who do you two think is going to win? Jason, Adam?" Ruby inquired curiously. Neo was strong, but this was going to be a three versus one-
     "Neo." Dawn and Dusk stated their choice clearly.
     "Oh. No faith in Beta at all?"
     "None." The maroonette just chuckled awkwardly.
     "As much as I'd like to root for the underdog, Neo's a tank. She can take a heck of a beating." Hestia V explained. "Don't get me wrong, Blue's no slouch. And their teamwork isn't half-bad. I just don't think they can hit hard enough."
     "Maybe we'll be surprised." Ruby said meekly.
     "I guess we'll see. They're starting." At Pyrrha's words, all eyes were on the amber plains.

     "It's not too late to forfeit, Neo." Ren taunted.
     "Don't forfeit! I wanna beat her fair and square!" Barbara scolded.
     "It's literally a three-on-one!"
     "Well, yeah! But she's Neo!"
     "Shut up, love birds. It's game time." Blue shouted.
     "WE ARE NOT IN LOVE!" Rolling his eyes, the leader of Team Beta took a deep breath and channeled his Spirit Dust. In a flash of light, his ordinary clothes had become lightweight armor, white metal plating over a blue undersuit. His white boots clinked as he stomped on the ground and prepared for battle.
     Following suit, Ren was enveloped in a jade kimono, floral patterns dashing the cloth. An emerald sash tightly wrapped around his waste. Geta sandals clacked on the grass as Ren adopted a neutral stance.
     Barbara raised her hand to the sky, an emerald-tipped Naginata flashing into place within her grasp. A skin-tight, black bodysuit hugged her athletic frame as she spun her weapon around her body.
     "I guess we should get this show on the road." Neo smiled as she stretched her arms, a pink glow enveloping her body as she summoned her own combat attire. A black undersuit snugly hugged her body as thigh-high boots appeared over her legs. Silver arm bracers wrapped around her biceps as her chest piece stretched over her torso. "Okay, all set!" The Crystal Rose called out.
     "Now, I want a nice clean match-" Haru began-
     "Get on with it!" Neo and Blue yelled.
     "You're all lame!" The Angel of Hestia took a step back, sakura petals flying about as the wind picked up. Spirit Dust began to permeate throughout the atmosphere as Team Beta stared down the Crystal Rose.
     "Let the match. . . BEGIN!"
     In the blink of an eye, Blue was seeing pink! Neo barreled into him and carried him across the meadow, leaving Ren and Barbara behind! The pinkette spun and threw Blue forward, the boy flipping himself upright and sliding across the grass! The HardLight User just barely raised his guard and blocked a punch, the force knocking him back. Neo unleashed an overwhelming assault, battering Blue's guard relentlessly! Gaining more ground, Crystal suddenly reeled and uppercut her opponent, breaking through his guard and knocking him into the air.
     Yet, before the Crystal Rose could capitalize on her advantage, a blade cleaved towards her! The naginata soared through the air like a javelin, Neo lunging aside and letting it pass. Blue caught the weapon and hovered in the air, kicking it back towards the pinkette! She cartwheeled aside and let the pole stab the ground!
     "Hey! What did I say about the yard?!" Crystal groaned, suddenly bending backwards, Ren flying right over her. Rising into a handstand, she kicked the boy in the stomach, propelling him into the sky! Springing off the ground, Neo avoided Barbara's charge only for Blue to attack from above! The pinkette crossed her arms, Beta's Leader axe-kicking onto her guard and knocking her to the ground! Catching a glint of metal, Neo quickly twisted her body and let the naginata swipe scrape against her armor. Sparks flew as Barbara spun her weapon and thrusted twice, Neo swaying back and forth before catching the third stroke by the blade! Pulling hard, Crystal lifted the brunette off the ground and swung her into Blue, the two careening into the grass!
     Ready for a second try, Ren rushed in. His kimono flowed with the wind as he swung his palm at Neo, the girl deflecting it with the swipe of her hand! Two more palm strikes aimed for her stomach, the pinkette slapping away his attacks before throwing a punch of her own. Ren leaned aside, grappling onto her arm and spinning behind her, pressing a hand onto her shoulder and pinning her down! Blue and Barbara both flew in while Neo was down, but the Crystalline Spirit Dust User threw herself forward, tumbling and taking Ren with her. She jostled herself free and quickly turned to face the rest of Beta!
     With Blue on the right and Barbara on the left, Neo found herself evading rapid slashes of the emerald-tipped blade while countering Blue's attacks! The brunette fluidly transitioned from slash to slash, forcing Neo to keep all attention on the naginata. Blue made his move, throwing a powerful right hook! His fist collided with Crystal's guard, the girl barely managing to block! The force threw her off balance, giving Barbara the opportunity to sweep out Neo's legs! Now parallel to the ground, the pinkette quickly flipped herself upside down, Blue's narrowly missing his descending punch. Twirling, Neo kicked the bluenette in the face! She flipped herself upright, avoiding Barbara's cleave and kicking off the ground, kneeing the brunette in the face!
     Third time's the charm. Ren glided along the ground and ascended with a rising palm, Neo leaning just out of his path! She posted her leg on the amber grass and stood strong, catching Ren's fists and whipping her hair back, launching her head into his! Completely stunned, the verdette staggered back, Crystal jabbing her hands into his chest and shoving him onto the ground. Barbara dropped from above, naginata descended only for Neo to clasp her hands on the blade itself! She pushed the weapon aside and grabbed the handle, lifting Barb overhead and slamming her onto the ground! Right as the brunette made contact with Terra Florum, Blue seized the moment and struck Neo in the back of the leg, bringing her down to one knee! Barbara spun herself into a handstand and sprung into their opponent, feet crashing into the pinkette's face! Neo was flung backwards, and finally, Ren landed his attack, palm strike pressing into the Crystal Rose's side and sending her spiraling across the meadow. . .!
     As Neo Rose picked herself up from the bed of sakura petals, a deep blue streak raced down Terra Florum. . . With a resounding roar, Blue Craze thrusted his fist across Neo's face, his knuckles digging into her cheek with all his might! Pink irises met azure, Blue gasping for air as a fist found itself buried in his stomach. . .! The leader of Team Beta recoiled, falling to one knee as Neo flashed him a grin.
     "That was a good swing." The Crystal Rose acknowledged with a laugh. "You're a heck of a lot stronger than before, Blue!"
     "Don't patronize me." The bluenette groaned out, breathing deeply and rising to his feet.
     "Oh please, you know I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." Neo held her arms at her side and set her legs apart, pink swirling around her. "We done warmin' up?"
     ". . . We haven't even started!" Blue declared, his teammates flying past him to re-engage Neo Rose!
     "I guess so." She remarked before throwing herself at Team Beta!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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