Chapter 8 Elizabeth

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     The Hestia Faction Compound held two buildings, one of which being the Hestia House where the faction gathered. The other was quite unlike it. While the Hestia House was a mixture of various architectures, the second building could only be described by one.
     And one day, Ruby couldn't hold back her curiosity. The other worldly pressure she felt as she walked past the the marble columns nearly made her stumble, but she braced herself on a wall. . . and felt her Spirit Dust drain.
     The barren silver walls began shining, sparkling as her Spirit Dust danced throughout the winding halls. Beautifully engraved on every wall, in ethereal essence, were names. . .
     ". . . Oh." Ruby mumbled as she realized just what this building truly was. This was Hestia's Memorial. . . She nervously ventured forth, towards the only set of doors. The girl gently grasped the diamond knobs and pushed them open.
     A collection of bouquets, abundant with pink, blue, and white roses laid on the polished floor, petals flaking off and floating in the air as Spirit Dust rushed into the special area. Ruby's maroon eyes landed on the display at the end of the white room. . .
     A set of lit candles were hanging on either side of a golden framed portrait. Behind the carefully cleaned glass was a young girl of eleven years old. Icy white hair flowed down from her head, framing her face as it sunk to her shoulders. The cheerful smile across her smooth, tanned skin was mesmerizing. . . and the lively white irises in her eyes told tales of happiness.
     Ruby Andromeda carefully slid her fingers across the name etched in violet beneath the picture.
     "Elizabeth Zeta. . . ."


     Ruby fell to her knees, catching her breath while the Goddess Hestia softly smiled and pat her head.
     "I think that's enough for today." The master decided as the sun set further and further. The maroonette tried to stand, only to nearly fall. "Hey! Easy there."
     "B-But. . . I can keep going." The pupil said through hard breaths, Hestia sighing and gently sitting her down on the grass.
     "It's okay to push yourself, but if you overdo it, you'll just hurt yourself." The Goddess began collecting the equipment from the small clearing. A month past since Demeter's faction had been dismantled. It was now mid June, and Hestia kept her word. She put Ruby through the ringer. Though to the young girl's confusion, they spent most of their time building up her body instead of her Spirit Dust. . .
     "I just. . . I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger." The maroonette mumbled sadly.
     ". . . Flare up your Spirit Dust." Ruby tilted her head, the Goddess holding out a hand. "You heard me. Come on up." She pulled the girl to her feet and stepped back. "Now, power up."
     "O-Okay. . ." The maroonette breathed slowly, buckling her knees and holding her arms at her sides. She summoned her Spirit Dust around her, forming it into her usual sloppy and messy maroon aura. . . before her energy suddenly expanded! It multiplied by two, her hair sticking up as her power spastically struck at the air! "WOAH!" The grass trembling as patches of the ground were burned and cut, the girl struggling to keep herself standing while her Spirit Dust flew out of her body! "STOP!" Ruby yelled, her energy ceasing to leak and returning to her body, the newest member of Hestia stumbling onto her butt as her legs gave out. "Wh-What the heck was that?!"
"That. . ." Hestia began, holding up a finger and summoning a small flame above it, the fire expanding with each passing second. "That was a month of training. Just imagine what you could do after a few years. . ." The flame became a raging inferno, Ruby sweating under the intense heat of the orange blaze.
     ". . . I. . . Wow." She murmured, dumbstruck by her own and Hestia power.
     "Keep at it, kiddo. . . But tomorrow, not today!"
     "Yes ma'am!"
     The maroonette entertained the idea of asking the Goddess about the memorial for just a moment, only to bury it just as fast.


     As the sun vanished beyond the horizon, Hestia IV and Ruby Andromeda began the long walk back to the Hestia House. . .
     Andria City wasn't the most fancy place to live, nor was it necessarily a big city. It's population was barely beyond ten-thousand residents. However, there was one landmark that was quite popular. . .
     A beautiful lake on the eastern edge of the city. A masterfully carved arch bridge constructed with mahogany, stretched over the center of the stunningly clear waters, a stone path completely framing its edges while a number of benches were set beneath the shade of the aging trees, their falling leaves floating atop the lake. . .
     On one such bench, was Jason Rose. The young man sat with his eyes shut, basking in the cold breeze of the evening, and the eternal autumn of the East Continent. . .
     "Is that Jason?" Ruby asked as she and the Goddess walked by the lake.
     "Yeah, he comes here quite often. . ." Hestia stared for a moment, then smiled as an idea came to mind. "Why. . . Why don't you go and keep him company?" She wondered, the young girl humming as she thought about it.
     "Sure, why not! I'll see you later, Ms. Hestia!" And with that, the maroonette skipped off, leaving the Goddess to complete the walk home alone.
     "I hope you can help him, Ruby."

     The eyes of the Shining Dawn slowly opened, his bright blue irises glistening as his horn-like hairs twitched. Before him was a flustered Ruby Andromeda, her beautiful smile gently coming to be as her hair flew with the wind. . . It was an enchanting sight.
     "Uh, hi? Do you mind if I take a seat?" She asked considerately, the boy glancing to the space beside him and nodding. Once she took a seat, they fell into an awkward silence. . . "It's uh, it's a nice night today, isn't it?"
     "Yeah. It is pretty nice. . ." Jason replied, closing his eyes once more. "Do you know what this place is?"
     "N-Not really. I was actually hoping you could tell me. . ." Ruby laughed nervously, fiddling with her hair.
     "This place. . . This place is called The Lake of Unity." The young man revealed as the stars in the night sky twinkled, reflecting off the surface of the water.
     "The Lake of Unity. . . I wonder how they came up with the name." The maroonette thought aloud, her fellow member of Hestia letting out a heavy breath.
     "It's a long story. . ."
     "Well, I've got plenty of time."
     And so, Jason Rose began to tell The Legend of Four Warriors.


     In ancient times, four great and almighty warriors wandered the lands of the Aether. Many challenged them, and now matter how powerful, how intelligent, how invincible those they faced seemed, through thick and thin, the Warriors would rise above and beyond and overcome their hardships.
     The Leader of the Warriors, the strongest among them, was. . . odd. The Winter Princess was just like her title suggested. . . ice cold. One would look at her expression for days and not even get an inkling as to what was going on inside her head. Many tried to tear her heart from her body, but one. . . only one man tried to win her heart. Her fellow Warrior. . . The Fall Prince.
     It was his greatest battle, trying and failing to earn her love, endlessly. The Queen of Summer and The King of Spring had both found their destined ones, but Winter was content with living her life devoid of love. Fall was not.
     With each passing battle, the threats became more troublesome even for the Warriors. . . and eventually came the time for their final battle.
     The story during this battle was different for every storyteller, every version of the legend that had emerged throughout the years. However, there were two constants. . . The Warriors did win, but at a cost. . . The Fall Prince died.
     The Winter Princess returned to where she and Fall first crossed paths as mere children, and in her grief and loneliness. . . realized that she truly loved the Fall Prince.
     The ice wall, the barrier that prevented her from loving. . . melted away. And the water from that melted ice gave birth to The Lake of Unity. It was said that anyone who gazed into their reflections in its waters would see all who they truly loved. . . .


     "That's. . . Well, I know that Spirit Dust is pretty crazy, but I kind of find it hard to believe some water can tell me who and who I don't love." Ruby muttered, wondering if she should test it out or not.
     "Believe it or not, if you look into the water. . . You'll see who you love in the reflection." Jason assured her as he hunched forward in the bench, his head hanging over the water with his eyes still sealed shut.
     "Well, I'm not looking! I want to feel all tingly when I realize I'm in love!" The girl decided, placing her hands over her heart as she looked to the night sky. . .
     It was then that the LightSoul opened his eyes, gazing into the surface of the lake. True to his words, true to the legend. . . his own reflection transformed into the face of someone he loved. First, he was met with the caring pink eyes of Neo Rose, his beloved twin sister. Second, was the Goddess Hestia, her long curly hair flowing with the motion of the water. . .
     And lastly. . . Jason Rose stared down at the reflection of a child, with icy white hair and lively white eyes. The world became shrouded in shadows as he lost himself in the sight of Elizabeth Zeta, the young man unable to tear his eyes away as painful memories began to replay within his mind.
     "Oh my gosh! I love these! You really are amazing, Jason!" A voice called out to him, the boy biting his lip as he desperately tried to shut his eyes. . .
     The world of darkness abruptly vanished, color and light returning. . . Jason Rose was held within a soft and gentle hug, Ruby Andromeda holding him, wrapping her arms around his thin frame.
     ". . . Ruby?"
     "Shhhh. . . Just let it out." She whispered into his ear. The Shining Dawn discovered that tears were streaming down his face. . . After a few heavy breaths, Ruby tightened her grasp, Jason nestled into her shoulder.
     The cool wind was overtaken by the warmth of her embrace. . . and so, Jason let himself cry.

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