the mysterious stranger

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Angelo was that of a night owl. After tending to business for his secretive mobster family, the young man often wandered the streets in search of amusement, sex, or liquor, he was limited to where he could go as his family was a very dangerous and strict mafia family... However he always tended to break the rules and travel to places where  he isn't supposed to.

Just like tonight.

{Angelos POV}

"This place sure is interesting" I thought to myself as I wandered along the streets of this rather large unusual town. My family is only here for a short amount of time on business. So I might as well explore a bit~

New Orleans was new territory, much different to New York, different people, different sights, different stories-

"Evening news! Evening news~ Come and get your evening news~!" A newsie shouted from his street vendor, waving around a newspaper.

I grabbed the newspaper and smirked at the cover story

''Serial killer huh~?" I opened up the paper and scanned through the various articles, as the sounds of people chattering fades as the night gets later.

I raise my head, my attention now drawing to a man across from me browsing at the flyers on a notice board.

"Ooh~ whos that handsome buck" I think to myself, unintentionally staring at him.

The man, who is rather attractive gazes off the notice board and onto me, his focused look now turning into a charming smile.

"Good evening young sir~!" The handsome dapperly dressed man, who looks at least 5 years older than me acknowledges my presence, smiling a welcoming smile.

I smirk and answer him

"Heya~ What's a nice man like yaself doin alone on a night like this?"

His smiles grows, obviously he wasn't expecting a reply like that, how cute.

"I am just enjoying the night life my good fellow~ Might I ask you that same question" he replies

"I'm out on business" I reply cryptically, that technically was true as I still had some errands to do...

"Ooh, a business fellow I see" he chimes "well I wish you good luck on your business" The mysterious man then continues to look me up and down as I fix my hat

"Might I ask what type of business you are fulfilling" He chuckles and diverts his gaze back up to my face

"Haha!" I chuckle "Well.. if I told ya, I'd have to kill ya~"

Surprisingly the fellow I was scoping out, wasn't taken a back by this answer, not at all, instead his smile grows and he replies

"Ah! A secretive fellow it seems, well, I won't hold you!!" He replies cheerfully

"I've got my own business to attend to anyway~"

And with that, the dapperly dressed mysterious man, turns and walks away.

My eyes diverting down to his ass as he walks

"Bye handsome~" I say watching him walking into the the town

Man he was a looker

I sure hope I see him again~
Thanks for clicking on and reading the story! It's going to get very in depth from here on out so

Stay tuned~!! 🍓🍓

{Btw Angelo is something I came up with, I think it's kinda cute and his cannon name "Martin" is no longer cannon so yah!

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