Chapter: 1

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*America's POV*


"Why does my alarm have to be so fucking loud.." I say while stuffing my face in my pillow, I check the time, what's even the point of doing that? I should know what time it is due to the fucking alarm that I have personally set; Sometimes I can be a real dumbass; I get up from bed, blinded from the shining light beaming into my room. "Sometimes I wish the god dam sun didn't exist" I mumble under my breath.

I stretch and I hear the satisfying sound of my joins cracking. Honestly, some people say that sound is horrific to listen to and they despise it, which is so stupid. Great, I forget, a fucking meeting hosted by the one and the only, UN. I should actually start preparing myself for this meeting. 

Most countries, frequently the older countries or should I say "Boomers" as all these kids say nowadays, like to dress formal which is not me at all. I decide to go for the usual attire, a black shirt with the words "NATO", a grey hoodie with the logo of NASA, black Nike pants, and to top of the whole outfit my signature sunglasses. 

It's common to take a shower everyday in the morning but like, what's even the point? Not like you'll stink up in a couple of hours, at least it isn't like that when you actually put on fucking deodorant,  just pointing out to some countries. 

I walked down the stairs, sliding my hands down the hard material-made railing provided for stability, did I mention I have siblings? Well, heh, I do and they are a bunch of trouble makers two of them. 

Let's start of with the second oldest brother, Canada. Man, that dude is awesome, great personality, not to forget his perfect cooking skills he got from Mom, extravagant to hang out with; He's around 20, quite tall, very fit pretty sure he goes to the gym every other day, and his sexuality? I'm not quite sure; Oh also, total maple syrup freak, fucking adores that shit. 

Next down the lane is Australia, or Aussie. Let's begin with this, he has way to many fucking pets. I have no idea how he deals with all of them, a mad-lad. For sure say's "mate" a lot and has a tendencies of making weird voices when approaching a wild animal and says "we are approaching the possible diseased animal..". Other than that, he is very funny, can be very competitive, and adventurous. He's the third tallest out of all four of us, age around 19. 

The last one is New Zealand, or just Zea. New Zealand is amazing with horses, he'll see one he has never met before and boom in 5 minutes they are already best friends. Him and Aussie are besties, always creating devious pranks against any country that has done them wrong, or a country that has done nothing bad to them. He's 17, shortest out of all of us. His personality is basically like Aussie's. 

I live with non of them at the moment. I went to the fridge and decided to have scrambled eggs with bacon. I collected the ingredients and went to the stove, with a pan on the stove, I began making the best breakfast ever.  I was about 5 minutes in the cooking process until I got a notification on my phone. Canada messaged me. 

Italic - America  Bold-  Canada


- Hey Ame, not to worry you or anything but UN gave a us arranged seatings to test it out and you may not like who you got. 


Who did I get exactly?-

-  Please don't get mad and complain  but you got Russia. 


- Hello?

- Ame?

- Oh god.

I slammed my phone on the counter, totally pissed off. Why the fuck did the little motherfucker decide it would be a good idea to make me sit next to him?! "Oh I'm UN, that little bitch that doesn't know anything, and decided for the two enemies to sit together" I mocked UN with a squeaky ridiculous voice. At least my pancakes are ready. I grabbed a plate and some maple syrup that Canada gave me as a gift, I do like maple syrup it's alright just not as much as Maple does. 

 I haven't really described anything about me yet so I guess I can do that. I'm 22 years old, dealt with depression and anorexia I've recovered perfectly from it, and I'm gay. The last part I haven't told my parents yet, as my Dad is homophobic, I know that because he always taught us that being gay is a sin and shall never be thought as a good thing. My Dad would totally beat me if I told him about this. My physical appearance is not that crazy, I'm not super fit but I'm not overweight that's for sure. I'm a bit small compare to others, which is quite annoying but I deal with it. 

I finished my pancakes, grabbed my car keys and I put on my shoes. I began the car and started driving to the building. I check the time and by mere guessing, I should be early.

- Time Skipppp-

I finally arrived at the office, not excited at all for this shitty meeting PLUS I must sit with Russia, preferably called Commie. I push the double doors open and voila, the meeting hall filled with posters about UN, as this is his meeting hall. "Good day, America. Please sit at the correct seat" UN says as he points to a chair with my name.

Then he comes in the room, walking towards my direction to sit next to me. "Hello, Commie." I said in a sly voice. "How about you shut the fuck up, you сука, and get over this shit." Great start, for sure. You did a great job UN, this better be temporary if not, you got some complainants coming to get your ass. 

This is my first ever fan-fiction, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'm sorry if my grammar or English totally sucks, I may be a native in English but I still utterly suck at it. It seems really boring at the moment but trust me, it will hopefully get better eventually in the next chapter that might come out in 1 or 2 days. Have a good day!

Word count: 1080

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