Chapter: 7

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Third Person Perspective (Nobody's POV)

"It's a.."

"..A god damn bear" Ame mumbled, sounding alarmed and frightened.

America still horrified, turned towards Russia. He was still facing the TV, not have heard anything. America moved a bit forward then, snapped his fingers in front of Russia's face. Finally, from his spaced-out trans, turned to America to see him sitting back down on his original spot. The 50-stared country used his head to show him about the "little" problem they have. Russia showed a bit of confusion about why America wasn't speaking or even lip-syncing something. Eventually, he finally understood this code and turned towards the window, to just see an adorable puppy. Well, it is a bear, but for Russia, it was just some large puppy; easy to kill.

"It's just some puppy, nothing to worry about." Russia dismissed with his sentence and hand, doing a gesture; turning to face the TV after saying that.

America replayed that sentence in his head a couple of times till realising what he said. He looked over to Russia which such a confused face. He couldn't understand how he could say that with such calm and dismiss it so easily; America excepted at least Russia to deal with it by a call or handling it himself. Sure, some of his states, maybe even all, have some bears but America just isn't used to it at all.

"E-excuse me, did you j-just say that was a puppy..?" Finally finding his voice, the Freedom country spoke.

The other country turned to face him. Looking a little relieved that America was talking, since it was a bit unusual for him to not talk. He just stared for a bit, then sighing.

"Bears are not that dangerous. I think of them just like a puppy since they're easy to kill, especially for me. I do hunt for them sometimes as a habit. For you though, they must be the most horrifying thing ever since you're quite powerless." He replied, sounding sarcastic more at the end.

The American sat there with a surprised face, also feeling a little offended but the shock overweighting that. After thinking a bit more, America decided to go to the kitchen; so he stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen, hoping to find black tea. Tea makes him more relaxed plus, It's a habit that his Dad got him into. Even after the Revolution, he still drank tea. He also got some words of his Father. The Slav was a bit confused at where he was going but later continued to keep his focus on the TV.

America scrambled around the kitchen, looking through cabinets trying to find just some basic tea at this point. He looked through at least half of the kitchen and couldn't find his desired need. After a bit of struggle, he found some tea. While looking through the cabinets and drawers, he found a mug for himself and an extra one, just in case if Russia wants any tea. He filled up the kettle with cold, fresh, and hopefully clean water and began the process of making tea. After the water boiled to the perfect temperature, he placed his teabag in the teapot and poured the water. He waited for about 5 minutes, looking at his phone. He removed the teabag and tadaa! He had some tea. America poured his tea into the mug, took a sip of it, then went to the living room with the teapot as well.

The weather was gloomy after the event. Shadowy clouds covered the sky, it only got wintrier and the wind got harsher. Fewer people were populated on the streets due to fear of being hurt by something, paranoia filled the air. It's like everything lost it's "colour" outside.

America settled the teapot and the extra mug on the table. Still holding his mug, he walked back to his spot on the couch and sipped on his tea; feeling calmer than before. Russia took a bit but finally noticed the tea on the table. He was a bit confused about why America, of all people, would drink tea.

"What's with the tea, Britain 2.0?" The Russian asked with confusion.

"Can't I enjoy some good tea? It's just something my Father got me into." America replied sounding a bit annoyed.

Russia just sighed and decided to have tea instead of Vodka. He grabbed the extra mug and poured the tea into it. He drank a bit of the tea and enjoyed it, quite a lot actually. A few minutes later, he already finished it and decided to do some paperwork since he hasn't done anything productive today.

"I'm going to do some government work. Don't leave this house, it's too risky. Don't cause a mess, and do-," Russia was cut off breaking the silence by America.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Act normal and not crazy. Jeez, you sound exactly like a Mom." America said, bit annoyed at Russia for making him seem like a child.

Russia went upstairs to his office while America just sat there and started thinking about this event.

A Couple Hours Later + America's POV

All I've been thinking about is this accident. I can't get my mind off it and it's so fucking annoying. The same questions keep repeating in my head. Who did this experiment? Why did they do it? What are these creatures that are now released? Are they dangerous? And even more questions.

The News isn't doing shit though. They just keep repeating the same things just in different sentences. I really want to go out there and explore it a bit. It will probably be a bit challenging to find this place but hopefully, all my questions will be answered. I might get in trouble though, Russia told me to not go outside and I don't want to infuriate him. Actually, I don't care. I'm going to prove to him that I ain't a pussy and I'm going to get answers before any news company does.

I walked over to the entrance of this house and began to get ready to go on this adventure. I put on a large, fluffy jacket, a white beanie, and some winter boots. I grabbed the keys, unlocked the door and turned the knob. This is going to be a fun "expedition".

Look at this, a shit chapter again. Anyway, I'm hoping to get the next chapter on Sunday or Monday. As you can see, I rushed this a l o t. I'm also trying to get the plot stared so I'm cramping everything into one chapter. I also can't be bothered to read through this to check for mistakes because I don't want to cringe. Hope you liked this chapter, somehow since it sucks ass, and have a good day! 再见!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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