December 16th 2019

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8:15am: Alright so I thought that from now on it would be a good idea to write down my dreams. So I'll just get straight into it. I'm not exactly sure how this dream started but I remembered I was playing in the road, in front of my old house. We see a snake but don't think it'll come over until it does. It seemed so fast. For some smart reason I decided to step on it and it bit my leg, then the second oldest, and the youngest. It seemed like a regular rattlesnake(?) to me but without the rattle. For some reason the venom kicked in almost immediately, my breathing started to quicken while my brothers seemed completely fine. Out of no where I think to myself that it'll spread faster if I keep breathing hard. Suddenly I was able to calm my breathing to a regular pace but I can't feel and almost see the venom going through my veins. Me and my brothers walk to our old house, getting our parents to only take me for some reason. I get in the car with my dad and that's where it ends.

Unexplainable Experiences (2019)Where stories live. Discover now