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Don't Give it To Me- Hwasa ft Loco


Why am I keep failing to maintain my wall on you? And worse.. I'm falling more.. And more.. Her face is inch from me.. Our noses brush, I can feel the tips of her lips on mine, I shut my eyes tight.. This is wrong I keep telling to myself.. But why am I still here, still anticipating her next move?

"Lisa.. You're flushing.. My face could burn" I open my eyes and immediately greeted by the most captivating eyes ever, I divert my stares to her lips and.. Wait.. Is she smirking?! That when I realised.. She was teasing me, damn this puffy cheek girl! The realisation hit me to the core, making me embarrassed at my own action. What did I expect just now? Jennie Kim kissing me?! Unbelievable.. I huff and slightly push her body that currently attached close to me. "Did you perhaps...." she says.. teasing.. "Shut up.." I cut her word in annoyance, even with my back is facing her, I can imagine that she is currently smirking.

"Anyway.. What are you doing here?" I try to sound normal not wanting the issue to linger because I know, I'm risking my pride in her trap. "Why can't I be.. At my LOVER'S place?" she answer casually.. what does she meant by lover? Pff.. This girl is so full of herself.. I can hear her footstep wandering at my back, I peek her movement for a second and I see she's trying to peek the stuffs in my hand. "Don't peek.. This is confidential.." I'm holding my clients file, and was going through a few pages of it. "You're obviously not focusing on your file, you're reading and flipping the same pages Lisa.. Are you perhaps.. ""Because you're disturbing me right now.. "I cut her right away, I can't let her win.

It was a pure silent for a second, I thought she is finally tired of teasing me. But.. No.. Jennie Kim isn't a person who will let other win. " Am I.. Disturbing your mind? "she asks softly.. a high voltage electricity conducted in my whole body as she press her body on my back.. Her movement went slow mo as she snakes her arms around my waist. "J-jen.. What are you doing?" her voice just now, isn't like always.. Its shaky and fragile.. As fragile as her touch.. "Holding on my life line.." she answers as she tighten her wraps and buries her face on my shoulder. "You smell nice.. I like your scent.." I can feel her lips tugging up.. I know that its not her signature smirk but her sincere smile, my heart pounds so fast and hard that I feel like I'm out of breath. How can she have this duality? Jennie Kim is driving me crazy..

Just like that.. I let her hold me.. Because to be honest? I don't mind it.. At all.. " How was your counselling session?" I ask her after awhile, wanting to fill the silence. She respond with a shake then tug my shirt to hold me closer.. If that even possible. "Why? She's the best counselor I know" it's Sorn after all. My super genius friend. "She's suck.. Worse than you" I chuckle when I hear her answer. Really? Well that's expectable from Jennie, I bet.. Sorn must be shocked by Jennie's persona. "I don't like her.." Jennie add another sentence and that made me wonder.. "Why?" I come out with the question wondering what might Sorn did when she suppose to oppressed herself. "Nothing particular.. But I know, she might have hurt you in the past.." I was a little bit surprised at her answer because I have never tell anyone about what happened to our friendship and for the record, I have never actually told Jennie that Sorn is my friend!

"How did you know?" I ask in curiosity. "Its because.. The incident with you and Bambam.. You fumed after Bambam told about who the person was.. also, I saw a photo with the three of you in it." I stop reviewing my file when I hear her answer.. This kitten is smart I thougt, I curl a small smile, not wanting her to see it. " I don't like your guy friend either" she adds, I scoff at her remark. "And.. Why is that?" she immediately unwraps her arms from me and that makes me turn my body around to face her, I'm longing for her warmth already. "He likes you" she answer with a straight face, I rise my brows hearing her "And.. You like him too" her face instantly change into a sad one. "I don't like him.. Anymore.." I form a small smile, well its true.. I guess. "You liked him.." there's a strong urge to explain and to make her convince that I don't have feeling for Bambam anymore.

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