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I contemplate Lisa's feature from the passanger seat, she looks tense and heated. Its been half of the way now but I'm keeping my voice shut, not even letting a single word out.. We'll it's not because I'm scared or what.. Pffh! It's just, it's odd to see Lisa like this, she is usually calm and reserve. I flinch when the car makes my body shift roughly to the left as Lisa turn the steering wheel "Yah.. You're driving too fast.." I'm starting to panicked as she add more speed "Lisa!" Anger is evident in her eyes.. it's deafening her.

"Lisa!!" I shout her name again but she is not minding my voice. Its really freaking me out.. My body stiffen, I clutch on the seat and curl my body beside the window. "Lisa.." she's not her, she can't hear me.. My voice become shaky, my whole body is trembling. Lisa looks stiff and her stares are fury, filled with anger. It's fixated on the road, she keeps driving in full speed, making my body bump from side to side on the car each time she swirl the steering wheel.

And.. Thats it..

A loud horn from a lorry blanked my mind. I'm gonna die, I shut my eyes tight as I cup both my ears with my hands. The car is spinning as Lisa whirls the steering to control the car balance, all of the car tyres are howling this is the end of my life. My heart beat rate increase as I hear the sounds.


And the car stop roughly, my body throwed to the front, but luckily I didn't hit the car front glass. It's stopped, the moving.. The spinning.. The Horning.. The sound of the tyres creak..all of it has stopped. But I just can't open my eyes, it's too frightening.. And I can't even move an inch.. I only can feel my body movement because of the trembling. I fell from the seat and I stayed on my position, unable to move on from what I have experienced.


Yet I'm not dead.. I hear Lisa's voice calling my name. But I just can't respond, not with that anger in her eyes, not without the gentleness in her stares.

"Jennie.. I'm sorry.." I hear the car door opened and I feel a touch on my shoulder. "Jennie I'm sorry.. I'm really really sorry.." her hands pull me and I try to stand but I can't because I'm still trembling.


Gosh.. What have I done? I've just realised that I almost put both of us in accident. Jennie.. I look behind and see her body curled with both eyes are shut tight. Her body fell on the floor. A mountain of guilt erase all the anger that possesed me.


I call her, but she didn't respond and at that moment, I curse my existence when I see her frightened state.. She is trembling, I can see clearly the tears stain on her puffy cheeks, her face is flushes red. I get out from the driver seat and immediately go for Jennie.

"Jennie..I'm sorry.." I touch her shoulder and she flinched a bit, startled by my touch, I know she's so fragile right now. "Jennie I'm sorry.. I'm really really sorry.." My chest heaved as I chant the words, I pull her arm to stand but her body is so weak.. I pull her again, with more force and let her petitte body weight on me, she gained a little strength from it and start to stand on her feet while I still hold her. We were so lucky that I managed to avoid from colliding with a 3 ton lorry, I let out a long sigh when I realised the mistake I made.

"Hey.. Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" I stroke her hair while looking at her face that buried on my chest. She shakes her head, it's been minutes since I try to calm Jennie's trembling. "Let's go? I'll send you home.." I voiced in a soft tone, not wanting to trigger her fright, I waited for her answer but she didn't respond. "I promise you, I will never do that again.." I cup both sides of her face and tilt it to face me. "Hey.. You can open your eyes now, you're safe.. I'm here..I won't hurt you.. There's nothing can hurt you.. " I assure her, and her feline eyes start to open slowly meeting my orbs. I smile at her wanting to weep her insecurity, her weak stares reap my heart.. Half lidded and a drop of tear escape from her right eyes. I immediately wipe it with my thumb.

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