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"Happy Birthday Lisa.."


Jennie step closer towards the taller girl and hand out a small silver coloured box, wrapped with a golden ribbon. Lisa's eyes shift at the petite hands, it's trembling with cold. Her heart instantly melt, she didnt take the gift but brought the puffy cheeks girl's hands in her.

"Thank you.. "

Lisa mumbles in a small voice, the situation is really awkward, their eyes didn't even meet. "Welcome" Jennie says coldly and pull her hands from Lisa's hands, but her act was paused right away when Lisa pull her hands back.

"Wait.. "

Jennie lock her eyes with the doe eyes she missed. Her heart beats frantically at the sight of her beautiful counselor. "What? " Jennie restrain herself from losing over her fluffy side. She let out a snort and try to pull out from Lisa's grip. "Stay.. " Lisa ask in a low voice as she tighten her grip. She hang her head low as she pulls the shorter girl closer to her.

Jennie feel stucked in between her own dillema, choosing her pride or choosing the person she missed a lot.




Emotion wins.

She grip Lisa's hands back, and nods slowly. It earns her a big smile from the younger girl. "Come with me.. " she wraps her hands around Jennie's shoulder and step in her house. "Sit here.. " She asks the puffy cheeks girl to sit on the couch and went to her room. She return with a big comforter with her and immediately wrap the petite girl with it.

Jennie doesn't utter a word, her heart affected so badly by Lisa's sweet caring side. She was shivering just now because of the cold breeze outside but it feels warmer now when Lisa is with her. "Would you like to have a hot chocolate with me? " Lisa ask with a smile.

'Gosh, can you stop making me fall? ' -Jennie.

"Why did you come at this late hour? You should have informed me.. So I could at least wait for you.. " Lisa ask as she sits beside Jennie, the older girl didn't utter a word but offer to share the comforter with her by lifting half of it, gesturing the young counselor to get in.

Lisa hesitantly accept her offer, and wrap herself inside the comforter.


Gosh.. This is so awkward, I glance at the puffy cheeks girl, she stares blankly on the wall. Is she still mad at me? I'm trying so hard to break the tense, I roam my eyes around the room, and...remember about the gift Jennie gave me. I smile at the thought,  I insert my hand in my pocket and find the gift, I take it out and look at it.. I didn't realized that the box is actually really beautiful.

"Can I open this? " I ask Jennie, her head turn to me and her lips is pursed. "I-Im not sure if you'd like it.. " At last.. I hear her voice.. "I will like it.. " I assure her with a smile. I divert my attention to the box and begin to untangle the golden ribbon, once it done.. I open the box slowly, I smile looking inside the box, a silver necklace, a key, and a card.

The necklace is simple and old. "Is this yours? " I ask Jennie.. And she shakes her head. "No.. It's my mom's.. I want you to have it, because my mom used to protect me.. " my heart melt instantly hearing her sweet words. "Thank you.. And.. What is this? A key for what? " she fiddles her finger and I find it so cute.

"It's.. My apartment spare key.. You know, you can go to my place if you want to see me instead of going to the club.. " I blush at her remark. "Uh.. Camila did tell you huh? " I smile sheepishly. "Yeah.. I went to the club earlier.. And remembered your birthday, so I thought.. I should visit you, at least before we really end our.. " I didn't let her slips any words when I pull her into my embrace. "Thank you Jennie.. I'm sorry that I left you like that.. " I bury my face into her hair, the familiar devilish scent lurks into my nerves.

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