Chapter 8:

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Since halloween was about 3 or 2 weeks ago why not make a halloween based chapter?

Chapter 8: (Ashton)

It's Thursday and with halloween coming right around the corner, We're having to plan our annual halloween party at the last second. Thank god, that this year halloween is on a Friday. I made breakfast considering the guys cook like complete shit. I suck as well
so i just cooked eggs and bacon. "So Michael and I after work which is like around 3-ish , will go buy the decorative thingys ,and you and luke will go buy the kegs and beers okay?" Asks Calum. "Okay, but i get out around 3:30 and i have to take Alexa home." I say, Michael then makes whipping noises with his mouth. "Shut up Michael." I punch his shoulder. "Oww. Calm down body builder. Stop it with the protein shakes." He rubs his shoulder. Okay, maybe i have been lifting Alot. It's just her stupid jake friend. I trust her, its just his stupid muscles, on his stupid Hercules-like body. God. How is that kid so built? He's barely 18. "Just bring her, and invite her too." Calum tells me. "Okay, well luke just come by the end of my last class." He nods while stuffing his face with scrambled eggs. "Dude ash, You are wifey material. For such a simple dish, you really do know how to cook it. Alexa is a lucky girl." Luke tells me. "Oh my god. Im going to school." I tell the guys getting my plate and putting it in the sink. I get my car keys telling the guys bye and leaving our home.

I arrive at the high school getting my case. I walk to the front entrance greeting who ever says hi and walking down the hallways until i see my annoying co-worker miss Amanda Long. This woman has been pestering me for a date ever since our first meeting. I just say that i have a lot of paper work, but someone can't take a hint. She just says "Oh okay, Next week then?" Luckily, i run off before i could give an answer. The she-demon comes up to me and asks "Hey Irwin, Haven't seen you in a while how about we-" Alexa then comes running interrupting her before she could say anymore. "Ms. Long i sorta need help."She tells her. Amanda looking annoyed asks. "What is it Alexa, i'm pretty busy. " Giving her a look and then glancing her eyes at me and back at her. "Ooh, Well um i need help with a feminine problem. If you get me." She tells her, and Amanda then sighs "You're like eighteen, You should know how to deal with this stuff. Come on i'll get you a tampon." She grabs Alexa's shoulder guiding her in the opposite direction. Thank jesus for my girlfriend. I then hear my phone's notification ring go off.

Alexa💜: You owe me for this. She's rambling on about her 'single life'.

SMASH: Thanks babe, i will. Would an invite to our party repay you?

Alexa💜: Not even close Irwin, I expect something more in the bedroom. 😏
but that's cool too, sure.

SMASH: Ooooh. Okay then. I could maybe arrange that. Scratch that i totally can, and okay i'll take you to our house after school.

Alexa💜: K, Gotta go. She's staring at me.

POV (Alexa)
"Alexa, why are you texting." Says Ms. Long squinting at me. "Um my mom. Just telling her that i love her." I say smiling nervously hoping that she doesn't notice. As i said before, terrible under pressure. "Yeah okay. Well now that you're all suited, i'm gonna go back to class." Ms. long walks off to her room with a slouch of disappointment. The tardy bell rings. Shit. Im late for first period. I run down the hallways to Ashton's class, hearing my converse squeak when hitting the tiled floor.

"Sorry i'm late!" I inform ashton, heading to my seat. "Okay, class as i was saying physics, Greek for 'knowledge of Nature' It all involves the study of matter. Matter and its motion through space and time. Following the concepts of energy and force. Physics was made to understand how the universe behaves or acts however you would like to put it." The entire time ashton was explaining physics i was dozed off admiring how he looked today. He wore a polo button up and khakis which is rare that made his butt look so plump and cute. "Alexa. Could you repeat what i said?" Crap i honestly don't know. "Um that physics are.. Involved in science? I'm sorry I didn't pay attention." With Shame i lay my head in my notebook while my annoying classmates laugh at my idiotic answer. "Just pay attention, next time okay?" Ashton gives me that look as if saying 'i know you could do better' It sometimes suck to have your teacher as your boyfriend. Those pleading eyes make me feel even more like shit. Luckily the lesson ends and minutes after the bell rings. I'm the last one to gather all my stuff and leave the classroom.

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