Chapter 7: moving on...i think

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Chresanto's P.O.V

So right now im getting ready to meet Bahja and Buffalo wild wings because she said she needed at date. She said she was double dating with someone. I wonder who it is. I spray on cologne and looked in the mirror. I look good. I smiled at myself.


Neveah: yes daddy

Me: you ready ?

She nodded and i smiled. She was wearing some little ripped skinny jeans with a White and grey shirt that said famous on it and the new air Jordan 13 Barons on. We were kinda matching except i had on all black skinny jeans and a grey button down shirt. Bahja said she could come alone. Bahja loves Neveah.

Me: alright alright you ready to go see Bahja ?

Neaveah: YESSSSS ! Daddy is her hair still pink ! I want my hair pink like Bahj

I laughed and she straight faced me. She is to much for me !

Me: i dont know Veah and nope your hair gone stay brown its natural color

Neveah: but daddy

Me: nope now lets go dont ask again

Neveah: fine fine thought i had some pink hair for a minute

I laughed and Grabbed my phone and keys. I picked her up and we headed out. I locked the door behind me and we got in the car. I put her in her car seat and got in the car myself starting up the car and droving off. As we drove we listened to August Alsina Grindin.

Neveah: DADDY !!!

I turned the music down and had all ears on her now.

Me: wassup baby girl ?

Neveah: when do i get a baby brother or sister

Me: i dont know right now baby girl its hard to tell.

Neveah: make it easy to tell so i can knowwwwww

I chuckled and nodded ok. Once we got to Buffalo Wild Wings she got extra excited. She loves hot wings shid me to.

Neveah: come on come on come on !

Me: im coming.

I laughed as she practically dragged me out the car. I locked the door and i held her hand as we entered the huge building. I picked her up and walked to the table bahja was at with... Jacob and the nigga Kevin. Just my luck. I mentally rolled my eyes and walked over there with a smile.

Bahja: he boo

Me: wassup


I laughed and put her down as she climb onto bahja's lap. I sat down beside the two and laughed.

Kevin: wassup Chresanto

Me: Wassup Kev

We dapped each other up and i looked over a tJacob who was in his phone.

Me: hey Jacob

Jacob: hey Chres

He looked up and gave me a weak smile as he went back to his phone. All of this because i cant get myself together.

Bahja: so Chres dis you finalize the papers ?

Me: yea Neveah is stay here with me.

Neveah: really ?!

Me: yea

She jumped up and down as she laughed. I smiled. I loves seeing her happy. I wouldnt trade it for the world. I may be fucked up to other people but when it comes to my daughter she's my everything.

Jacob's P.O.V

I smiled at the fact that Chres had a really close bond with his daughter. Most fathers dont. I acknowledged that.

Me: so how ood are you.. Neveah

Nevah: im 5 almost 6 !

Me: awwe your pretty

Nevah: your pretty to snd ooooo can i play in your hair ?

Me: sure

I laughed as she flew over here and sat in my lap. As she started doing who knows what to my hair i looked at Kevin who looked confused. I gave him that 'What Nigga' look.

KevinBitch🔥: wassup with you and Chres

👏Jaaccoob💕: nothing why ?

KevinBitch🔥: i feel tension

👏Jaaccoob💕: so there's always going to be tension between everyone where ever you go

KevinBitch🔥: better not be nothing going on man

👏Jaaccoob💕: you aint my damn daddy we just partners for a sex scene dont flatter yourself 👊😒

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Levin who looked mad. I honestly dont care.

Bahja: so do yall date

Me: No

Kevin: Yes

We said 2 different answers in Unison. What is this nigga doing.

Kevin: Yes but No were really close

Me: mhm

The waitress then came over and asked for our drinks. We all ordered sweet tea except me and Neveah.

Me: your favorite drink is a lemonade ?

Neveah: yessss its the best hing ever !

Me: thats what im talking about high five.

She giggled and gave me a high five.

Neveah: whats your name ?

Me: Jacob

Neaveah: you look like a girl Jacob

I laughed at her comment cause she's so damn wittle and pretty.

Me: thank you.

Bahja: Jacob your really good with kids.

Me: yea i have alot of younger cousins around ages 1 to 10.

Chres: can i take a picture of yall ?

I smiled at him and nodded. Besides all the things that have been happening between us i know he's having problems confession how he feels. I smiled as Neveah posed as kissing me cheek.

Chres: got it

He smiled and showed us.

Me/Neveah: we cute

Everyone laughed except Kevin and we ordered.

Kevin: im sorry i gotta go my um cousin wants me to meet her somewhere

Me: k

He got up and tried to kiss my cheek but i leaned away then he left. I really didnt care where the hell he went. Probably with some female. I know he's only with my for public eye. I hate that but there's nothing i can do about it. I looked at Neveah and smiled she looks just like Chres but he's with Bahja. I cant win for anything.


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