Chapter 31

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Jacob's P.O.V

I stood up and groaned. What the hell happened. I look around and saw no one.

Me: hello ?!!!!!!!!

A screen popped up. It was me. In a hospital bed ? I watched closely as the doctors tried to revive me. I looked behind them and there stood Ray Chres and Zonnique.

Me: what happened it me ?

??: Kevin made you hit your head and you were beat pretty bad

Me: is t-that all ?

??: no Jacob. You were raped

I sighed and nodded. I kinda knew that i just didnt want to say it.

Me: who are you

??: im Chres's daughter but you can not tell him !

Me: what Zonnique's carrying his baby !

??: you'll find out what happened to me later on ok just let everything fall into place. Dont say anything about me

Me: so the baby she's carrying is not his ?

??: you'll see

She smiled and i smiled back. Awwe she looks like Chres.

Me: whats your name ?

??: Heaven

Me: awwe Heaven and Neveah. I like it. Wait how is Neveah doing ?

??: my sisters fine ok

Me: so who's older ?

Heaven: me im 10

Me: so chres made you when he was about 13-14 ?

Heaven: yes but he never knew about me. My mommy just aborted me but i understand she was very young.

Me: but your dad deserved to know.

Heaven: Jacob please let everything fall in place. Dont say anything !

Me: you have my word Heaven.

I smiled and she did to holding out her pinky. We interwind pinky's and laughed.

Heaven: time for you to get back

Me: i dont think i wanna go back

Heaven: chres needs you Jacob

Me: he left me for Zonnique and he didn't bother to check up on me

Heaven: you know my dad is stubborn and its because of the baby. Everything will be fine in the end. Kevin has to be stopped

Me: i dont know

Heaven: go its not your time we'll call you when were ready

I nodded and closed my eyes. Everything went black. What the hell just happened. OH LAWD IM BLIND ! Then i fluttered my eyes open. Oh

Doctor: we almost lost you there Mr. Perez

Me: wish i would have stayed *mumbling*

Doctor: *sighing* your fine you just have a few cuts and bruises... And-

Me: and what ?

Doctor: a torn rectum

I sighed and nodded. Better than being dead right. The doctor left and i looked at Rayan who was teary eye'd. I sat up and motioned for him to come here. I gave him a huge hug and couldn't help but break up into tears.

Me: s-see you crying m-made me cry

He chuckled and i did the same.

Ray: im so sorry

Me: dont be its not your fault

He nodded and i kissed his cheek. He's been an awesome friend since we found out that Zonnique was pregnant. I looked at Chres who was also in tears but his eye's were feel'd with guilt.

Chres: could y-yall give us a minute p-please

Zonnique: n-

Ray: yea

Ray grabbed Zonnique's arm and pulled her outside. I pray he doesnt hurt her. I chuckled and looked back at Chres.

Chres: can i sit ?

I nodded and slid over enough for him to sit down.

Chres: you may not want to talk to me right now but j-just listen

I nodded. I was done talking. He didnt even help me when i needed him most.

Chres: im sorry i didnt believe you about the pills but thats my child i didnt know what to feel, you gotta understand that. When i walked out i wasnt thinking of the whole thing i had with Kevin i was being selfish and im so so so sorry. I cant take care of you both because you want to kill eachother and i need you both here. Listen Jacob i love you maybe even in love with you. When i walked out my heart dropped into a million piece's i couldnt eat or sleep that whole week. I wanted to call you but i kept trying to convince myself that you needed your space. Im terribly sorry. I dont expect for you to take me back but atleast let me be there for you and protect you.

A tear rolled down my cheek and i smiled caressing his cheek.

Me: i love you to but we both know you cant protect me or be there for me.

Chres: please-

He looked at me with pleading eyes and i shook my head no before he could even finish.

Me: Your child needs you more than i do. Trust me i want to take you back but having her in the way is to much and i might kill her if she come back around me.

Chres: but look what he did to you ! Believe me i will kill him and when Zonnique has this baby me and you are gonna move in together again get married and have kids of our own. I just need to know your willing to wait for me.

Me: of course i am but...

Chres: but what ?

Me: i dont think your fully over Zonnique like you say you are

Chres: i am and i been. All this is for the baby i swear. When i told you it was only you the last time i swore and im keeping that. Like you dont like me and Zonnique being close i dont like you and Ray being close.

Me: he's a friend and he knows that. I love him but not like that and he knows that. Im only for you.

Chres: im happy to here that but Jacob im sorry again

Me: its ok

Chres: i wont let him hurt you again even if i have to risk you and Zonnique being in the same room. Its just not flying with me.

Me: i want you to kill him just dont get caught

He put kissed my forehead and put mine against his.

Chres: i wont. Im not leaving you baby boy. Imma always be here.

I nodded and pecked his lips. Which turned into a full make out session. I pulled away and smiled.

Me: stop for you make your girlfriend go into early labor

I laughed and so did he

Chres: thats not my girlfriend im all for you remember

I laughed and pecked his lips one more time. I love him and hes mine.

TBCCC VOTE/COMMENT (short i know sorry just wanted to give yall SOMETHING)

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