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Yeonjun's getting tired. 

He and tallguy -who now has a name, Soobin- have been sharing glances the whole week. The few advances they've made were nodding with their heads, as a way of letting the other know they acknowledge the other's presence, and smiling when their gazes meet.

Other than that, there was nothing. 

Don't get him wrong, he loves it. He's not grumpy anymore and stays in a cloud the rest of the morning. Even his friends are starting to notice it too. 

He's just a bit impatient because they still haven't said a word and Yeonjun's starting to feel like a 16 year-old who is not able to control his growing crush.

No, it's not a crush. He just finds the boy incredibly attractive. Can you blame him?

That's why today, Yeonjun decides it's time to make some moves. Why couldn't he be friends with the guy who's been accompanying him for months? 

He steps in the bus and sits down in front of Soobin's seat without a doubt. This clearly catches the latter off guard, making him look at Yeonjun a little bit surprised and embarrassed. 

Is it good? Is he making him feel uncomfortable?

Oh God, is it bad? What should he do now?

Shit, he shouldn't have made anything.

However, he's conscious he can't step back, so Yeonjun mentally compliments himself as way of staying calm: 'You're good, now all you need to do is smile at him.'

He  does so, and this time he gets to notice how the taller's cheeks are painted by a deep shade of red. Soobin looks down nervously only to look up at him again and Yeonjun can swear his heart is about to explode. 

Soobin cheeks are rosy and puffy and Yeonjun's hand burns when he imagines how it would feel to caress them. The taller's eyes turn into half-moons as he now smiles at him, letting his dimples show up and everything around Yeonjun seems to darken because the boy in front of him shines too much. 

The scene is too much for him. It's so soft and makes him feel so warm that Yeonjun wants to scream at the top of his lungs.

Yeonjun feels dizzy. 

Okay, he gives up. He is definitely crushing on the boy.

He wonders if it'd be too much to talk to him. Maybe start a trivial conversation.

But he doesn't. Instead, they continue to steal shy glances until they reach uni. When they stand up, Soobin waves at him, mouths a little goodbye and leaves the bus still blushing. 

Nevertheless, Yeonjun notices the boy had forgotten a glove in his seat, so he takes it in his hand and before he knows what he's doing he finds himself walking after him.

'Hey, you!' he shouts, but the boy doesn't get to hear it. Yeonjun speeds up his pace and when he's closer, he calls him. 'Soobin!'

Now the boy stops on his track and turns around, eyes big and a questioning look on his face. Yeonjun points at the glove on his hand and something seems to click in the boy's head. He comes closer and after hesitating a bit, he takes it. 

Soobin smiles at him. A little 'thank you' escapes his mouth so quietly that Yeonjun thinks he had imagined it. 

Yeonjun smiles back, and when he was about to wave him goodbye, the taller stops him. 'Hey, wait. I-' he starts. 

He blushes and Yeonjun's heartbeat raises up. He nods with his head to let the boy know he's listening. 

'How did you know my name?' 

Well fuck. He hits himself internally when he remembers how he had shouted Soobin's name just now without thinking twice. He's such an idiot.

Yeonjun's mind is running 10000 miles a minute. He's speechless. What was he supposed to say? 

He decides to tell the truth and after opening and closing his mouth, he finally articulates: 'Remember when your friend said hi to mine?' Soobin nods slowly, waiting for Yeonjun to continue.

The latter feels how his tongue dries out, but he can't escape. 

'I asked him your name' he finishes.

Soobin didn't expect such a direct answer, or at least that's what Yeonjun gets from his surprised expression. His lips curve up showing Yeonjun his teeth and the latter can't help but think he looks like a little bunny so he smiles back. 

'Okay' he finally says. 'May I ask what yours?' he asks, confidence noticeably growing in him.

'Yeonjun' the shorter replies, eyes sparkling. He's way too happy. 'I'm Choi Yeonjun.'

Soobin lifted his eyebrows. 'No way! I'm a Choi too!' he says excitedly, forgetting about his embarrassed state. 

After talking for a little bit, Soobin excuses himself and goes back to his faculty. He has told the shorter he studies Literature, which by the way, was at the other side of campus. He doesn't understand why he took that bus everyday when it's the only one that leaves you at Science's building, but Soobin is already gone so he can't ask him. 

At least today.

Yeonjun looks at his watch and his jaw drops. Classes have already started. He starts running to his faculty with an indelible smile on his face.

That turned out better than he thought.

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