slow walks

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It's good. Really. He's fine.

Yeonjun and Soobin have been talking on their way to uni. A lot. Their interactions have evolved and now they even sit next to each other everyday.
They're still shy and Yeonjun's heart still skips a heartbeat whenever the taller gifts him a smile, but they're closer and he's on cloud nine.

The thing that truly worries him is the feeling of thick air surrounding them, filled with questions no one asked and hesitation that was slowly choking Yeonjun to death. He didn't expect any of them to make any moves either, because Yeonjun doesn't even know if his crush is crushing on him as well. But something was off and he could tell Soobin felt it too. The thing is that he's so delighted whenever he talks to the taller that he always forgets he had questions he wanted Soobin to answer.

Looking at the brighter side, Yeonjun discovered many things that made the boy such an interesting person. He studies Literature but loves music and also carries around a little notebook because he secretly loves to sketch. He got shy when Yeonjun asked if he could take a look, at what Soobin replied 'not yet', so he didn't pressure the younger. Yes, younger. He also learnt that Soobin is a 2nd year student. A pretty smart one, actually.

He also started to gradually get used to Soobin's little things. Like how he covers his mouth with his hands when he laughs and feels timid and how he pouts when he's looking out of the window. How he always rethinks everything before speaking and how he parts his lips when he's concentrated on what to say next. How he makes Yeonjun feel comfortable, treating him like an old friend but always knowing his boundaries. How he smells like sweet vanilla and homemade coffee.
Despite his huge body, Yeonjun found in Soobin such a delicate person, and even though they weren't best friends, he could tell Soobin has a genuine heart. He's a treasure.

And that scares him. Just a little.

Yeonjun is also a lot of things. He's shy but brave. And hugely stubborn.

That's why one morning, when a friendly silence was surrounding the pair, he blurted 'Would you like to maybe grab coffee one day? Like the two of us?'
Watching how the taller blushed furiously at his sudden suggestion, he quickly corrected himself. 'I mean if you ever want to or have time or don't have anything else to do or- you know. You can say no to me really I don't mind I don't want to press-''

'Yes hyung' Soobin stopped him. Yeonjun caught his own breath, scared of making a sound.

The younger's dimples showed up, round cheeks making his eyes disappear almost completely. 'I would love to.'

So now Yeonjun is standing in front of his closet questioning in which outfit he would look prettier because he's meeting Soobin in 40 minutes.

Forty. Forty minutes.

It's good. Really. He's fine.

Everything's alright. It's not a date and he's definitely not gonna mess up.

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