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This isn't an update, but I'd like to talk about this story and its relation with today's date.

This story was inspired by the song 'Jueves' by La Oreja de Van Gogh.

Said song talked about a love story happening in a train. The girl had a crush on the boy. It was deep, without malice and platonic. Every morning they would coincide, and she would write down her thoughts about him. His smile, his hair, how she loved her eyes.

She wrote poems for him, but never confessed. Never talked to him, all she did was stare. And he stared back.

The girl's diary talked about the two of them.

I know what you're thinking. This story is absolutely beautiful, but why is it famous? Why is it so important that a music group decided to pay tribute to the two lovers?

Sixteen years ago, a day like today, the worst and deadliest terrorist attack happened in Madrid, Spain.

"The 2004 Madrid train bombings were nearly simultaneous, coordinated bombings against the Cercanías commuter train system of Madrid, Spain, on the morning of 11 March 2004 – three days before Spain's general elections. The explosions killed 193 people and injured around 2,000."

It was absolutely devastating for the whole nation. Every year, we pray for those innocent lives who were taken.

It was between the victims' belongings, that the police found this girl's diary.

The lovers died before their story could begin.

Everyone was so moved about it. Almost like not only hundreds of people were assassinated, but also the light, the joy, the pureness. The respect, the empathy, the love. This incident was proof that hate destroys humankind.

This year, due to covid-19 issue, it seems like Spain has forgotten about this. It saddens me —even angers me— that I heard no one acknowledge this date.

I guess none of you knew about this —even though it is the deadliest attack in Europe to this day— but I still wanted to talk about it. I think the victims deserve it.

Remember that you're loved and make sure you tell the people you care about that you love them. You never know when life's gonna burst into pieces.

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