tree leaves

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A few weeks have passed. Now it’s February and the two of them are sitting beneath a big tree on campus enjoying each other’s company.

Yeonjun’s at the edge.

All of his friends always tease him, picking on Yeonjun because of his stubbornness whenever he denies that Soobin and him are together. But God he wishes he was lying.

He’s so fond of the taller, he knows it. In fact, everyone does. He always blooms whenever he talks about him, and truth be told, that happened pretty often.

Okay, fine. He likes him a lot. It came to a point where Yeonjun didn’t even feel like denying it anymore.

Of course, Hueningkai and Beomgyu know this too, which is why he’s often asked why he hasn’t made any moves yet. And honestly, he doesn’t even know it himself. He’s somehow scared of rejection. He doesn’t seem to have noticed the not-so-sly glances the other takes at him or how Soobin always puts his bag in the seat next to him before Yeonjun takes the bus as if he were reserving it for him, even if the bus is mostly empty.

Honestly, Soobin and Yeonjun are closer than ever. They hang out whenever they have free time and they learned a lot about each other during these past weeks. However, Yeonjun still feels like it’s not enough.

Actually, he doesn’t think he will ever be satisfied; he wants to know everything about Soobin. Whenever they part ways, he wishes they could’ve stayed one more minute. He misses him even when they're together. The tall boy happens to be always on his mind. He’s the person Yeonjun wants to tell the good news first.

He’s addicted to the younger: it’s never enough when it comes to Soobin. To them.

It’s February and exams week is over. It's still cold as it’s winter but today the sun is shining and there’s an almost nonexistent warm breeze dancing around. Soobin’s back is resting on the tree trunk and Yeonjun’s by his side, head resting on his school bag, his long body lying on the grass.
The boy beside him is reading a book while Yeonjun looks at the sky, sunlight hitting just enough to keep them warm. Everything about this moment is perfect, he thinks. He tilts up his head to take a glance at Soobin.

The taller looks so concentrated while scanning the pages of this philosophical book, furrowing his eyebrows as if he’s having an argument with the words written down. Yeonjun can’t help but stare. The sun is above them but the tree leaves block a big amount of the light, which makes their eyes not hurt from the intensity. His bare skin stretches and relaxes as Soobin bites the inside of his cheeks out of habit and Yeonjun eyes fix their focus on them, adoration drowning his pupils.

He changes his position and is now sitting, both of his arms spread behind him so he can take a proper look at the younger, who doesn’t flinch at the sudden movements from the older.

A small leaf falls from the tree and lands on top of Soobin's head. It happens slowly, almost like it’s part of a script, so Yeonjun can’t help but chuckle at the adorable view. Soobin now quits reading and raises his gaze to look at Yeonjun, innocent confusion showing in his face.

Yeonjun’s heartbeat quickens just a little as he comes closer to the boy. He lifts his hand slowly, making his movements as delicate as he can, like he’s scared Soobin might disappear or run away. The latter gulps, strange anticipation on his eyes. Yeonjun knows he’s looking at him and the proximity makes his chest ache, but he doesn’t dare to look back. He’s scared that he may not be able to resist the temptation. He doesn’t trust his instincts.

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