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The Timeline will be Change this one is soulmates where the gods gave Mark to the couples the North House Stark is Powerful and the Strongest Vassal to the Iron Throne while Azeroth House Belleza are only Allied with them not Vassal to the Iron Throne

Age of Heroes

8,000 B.C The Long Night :  This is when the Founder first appearance his Name is Ronan Belleza(Not the Present one) were  born the Founder of the  House Belleza He was Born In Azeroth in his later in life he Travels to North there he Befriend Brandon the Builder and Azor Ahai the 3 of them were great friends during the Long Night 3 of them lead to the front defeating many White walkers and because of them they are too many and Ronan was forced to Travel back to Azeroth he tell his friends that he will return

he return to Azeroth as he heard legends of the Ancient Dragon he hope that he can Tame the Dragon he climb the Volcano with his Companion the Great Eagle because of the Dragon being intellenge he tried to kill Ronan and he fights the Dragon with his Great Eagle for 5 days of fighting he defeated the Dragon he spared the Dragon for the first have been Defeated and he Choose Ronan to be his Rider 

He Returns to his Friends who are about to be overrun he and Dragon burn Both the wights and the White Walker and he even Drop and fought alongside his friends he fight the Night King in Single Combat the 2 of them fight Non-Stop they were both the best of fighters in their respective fight but Ronan could only Banish the Night King after they drivin them back

with the aid of giants, the First Men, and  the children of the forest, raises the Wall, a monumental fortification of ice and ancient Magic , to shelter the realms of men from the menaces of the north. The Sworn Brotherhood of the Night's Watched it's Lord Commander is Azor Ahai  guards the Wall. It is said that Bran the Builder also builds Winterfell , becomes the first King of Winter , and founds  House Stark.

The 3 of them Made An Oath should One of them were in Danger the others will help them

Ronan Return to Azeroth and Proceed to Unite all of his  People and the People has been Propthetised by the gods themselves whoever Tame the Dragon will be there Emperor and so He found  House Belleza

The gods have gifted them the Old Gods were Prominent in the kingdom of the North and Azeroth The 7 were only in 6 kingdoms and Azeroth

The Titans,Sigmar,Lady of the like and others gods including the old and the 7 have rewarded the 3 to rule a Realm and given them wives to rule alongside them

6,000-3,000 B.C the Coming of the Andal : The Andals Invade Westeros they bring the 7 gods many Children of the forest has been killed the 6 kingdoms has been surrendered to them only Azeroth and the North were left

Azeroth's Prince have come to the North Hoping to Contact his Ancestor's friends house and they allied with the starks by marrying the stark girl

New Weapons has been created the Black-powder after long research they were able to weaponize it muskets have been created followed by the Cannons 

 As they attack Azeroth for thousands of years  the Battle was in stalemate as the Andal could not defeat the Armies of Azeroth for their Armies are Professionals aided by other Creature like the Giant,Dragon and Other beast and the Andal were always losing more soldiers than the Azeroth after long Periods of War the 7 gods revealed themselves to the Andal   and demand to stop against their followers which have been shock to the Andal so much so that they apologies to the Azeroth and hoping they're escape the Wrath of their gods and for that  they respect Azeroth worshiping many gods and they leave them alone

3,000-1,000 Age of Technology:  The Empire begun to slowly advance their Technology creating Device that will help their society and some for War 

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