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Lysara "Sara" Snow POV

Winterfell 297 A.C 

Lysara Snow Baseborn Daughter of Ned Stark she is 10 and 4 years old she is short Stature delicate face like her father she has mild wolf's blood and she can still be fierce if need be

In her room she's doing painting as dong artistic always help her mood, but she was interrupted when the door opened revealing her younger sister Arya running towards her and hug her she sobbed

"Oh Sweetling" she hug her back while run her hand from her back up and down in soothing motion "Shh Sweeling, everything is going to be fine tell me what did jeyne this time?"

It's always jeyne poole who made arya cry Sara always wanted jeyne target her instead but she perfect the art of smiling no matter what the insult she gave to her and she aimed her younger sister instead 

as it always made arya dissolve into tears. it always was sarra was getting frustrated to the spiteful girl who continuasly drove her youngest sister in tears of hurt and anger, Araya cound't control her emotions if her life dependent on it

"She said i shame father" Arya said

Sara's eyes widened "You shame father?" she scoffed "That's nonsense, ignore that brat says she is just jealous of your lineage and beauty"

"I'm not pretty, She right calling me horseface and Nobody says to be Pretty except you and father" 

"You don't have horseface arya" Sara Insisted "Your only 9 arya and you favour Stark and don't forget people used to tell that you look like aunt Lyanna did at your age?"

"Yes" Arya said in small voice still clinging to Sara

"And they they how beautiful she is when she flowered?"

"Yes" said Answered again brightening up a bit, Arya doens't not fond of ladylike activities but she was a young girl and no girl wanted to be called ugly

"And don't we so much alike?" said Sarra Continued Arya smiled a bit "And everyone in these days comment how much lovely i'am, i just look like you when i was 9 your pretty now Little Sister no matter what jeyne poole says you'll be so beautiful so much as that father have to beat your suitors with Ice

Arya giggled 

"Wonderful" then she grow serious "I think we must tell this to father that jeyne still bullying you, he has already warned her father several times to stop already and she has continue and it is unacceptable for her to treat you, This your home Arya and she lived here by Father's grace"

Arya looked at the ground "I don't want to disappoint father"

"Of course you don't Sister" Sarra agreed to her "Neihter do i,  you dont have to disappoint him, it's jeyne's fault, Not you Arya" 

"But mother will say Jeyne's right" Arya said Bitterly she always hate her mother "Arya is no lady always playing with the mud and with terrible stiching how could i raised such heathen"

The worst about this is, Sarra reflected Arya said probably right  Lady Catlyne was a scornful woman contemptous  of the north her husband ruled over, She even insisted on bringing a Septa with her when they married she even refuse the norther tradition she attempt to raise her children in the light of the seven the way she dismiss many servants who's family served winterfell for generations, replacing them from riverlands, had done so much damage to Robb's position, and everyone hated the way she tried to claim the title of "Magnara of the Winterland" even though the Northern law forbid the followers of the Seven to claim such exalted title

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