Chapter 9

838 11 5

Flash back

Tourney of Harrenthel 

281 AC

When they have Heard about the Tourney in Harrenthel and not just any Tourney it will be the Greatest Tourney that will be in Westeros 

All Seven Kingdoms with their Lords, ladies and Representative have Come and Participate in the Tournament

Even from the Other Corners of the World from Essos and even the Empire of Azeroth have taking an Interest to the Tourney and Send some of their Best Warriors, Knights and other Fighters to Participate for any Games that will be Held

Prince Ronan is searching his Betroth the Moment they have entered through to the Tourney

"Come on Sieg, Helped me Find her" Said Ronan

"You do Realize i have a Duty of Protecting the Royal Family Right?" Said Siegfriend he is with Several Praetorian Guards Helping Ronan searching for his Betroth, well More Like Guarding Their Prince Rather than help him Search

"Ronan still searching for your Bethrot i see" Said someone in Behind him and saw Thrall

"Ah my Orc Friend will you gonna help me search her Thrall?" Said Ronan with a Pleading voice

"Sorry Ronan, I'm searching Jaina here" Said Thrall as he Resumed his Walked

'Ah your no Fun Thrall" said Ronan as he pouted

"Needs some help my Prince?" Said Baine Bloodhoof

"Baine my Friend!" Said Ronan to his Touren Friend "i need your Help for Searching for my Betroth will you Help me? if you have spare time of Course"

"Well anything that can get away from our Ogre Friend there who have a Eating Contest" Said Baine as he Pointed at their Ogres Eating, the smallest among their Number is 10 ft, The Westori people could only looked in Disgust while the Azerothians Only Amusement as well Irritating to the Ogres Habits

"Ogres will always be Ogres, Good Thing Our Pals The Hobbits Keep them Company" Said Arthas who have appeared behind Ronan

"Indeed Arthas" said Ronan "Finding some Fancy Ladies here?" he ask

"I can't Find any Ladies here Ronan" said Arthas "I would Choose our Ladies from Azeroth and the North All the Way" the two of them fist Bump

"Warrior Ladies!" They shouted in Unison, the Westori People Looked at them Strangely

"Please Keep your Business People" said Ronan as they Resumed their Own Business 

Then he saw her

Lyanna Stark the She Wolf of the North the Winter Rose and Betroth with the Prince of Azeroth

"Ronan!" Lyanna Shouted as she Run Towards Ronan and jump Leap to Hug him "It's good to see you!" She said

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"Ronan!" Lyanna Shouted as she Run Towards Ronan and jump Leap to Hug him "It's good to see you!" She said

"Well i can't Let my Betroth to be Wondering around here thinking that she own this Place" Ronan Smirk

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